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  1. I was just wondering why minehut couldn't add mods as an option for servers. I feel like this would make minehut sooooo much better and worthwhile. Maybe even making it so you can have like 3 mods for free plan, 5 for next and so on.
  2. I just fixed mine. Do these plugins work ( are green ) in your other servers? If so, all I did was copy the config file of the plugins that worked on another server to the one where they didn't work. Does that make sense?
  3. Hello. I run an smp with my friends and I have had worldedit on it for a while now. Today I installed a plugin called LandLords2 and then uninstalled it and now my worldedit doesn't work! When I type /pl , WorldEdit comes up red. I have looked in the logs and it says it might be out of date, but worldedit works on my other server. Please help me. I have already tried reinstalling and resetting the server countless times (this includes stopping, resetting the config, deleteing the config and reistalling etc.). Here is: -The screenshot of the plugins when I do /pl -The worldedit config -The log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Log [02:51:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Disabling WorldEdit v7.3.0-SNAPSHOT+5716-9a5ef70 [02:51:23] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while disabling WorldEdit v7.3.0-SNAPSHOT+5716-9a5ef70 (Is it up to date?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The config # # WorldEdit's Configuration File # # About editing this file: # - DO NOT USE TABS. You MUST use spaces or Bukkit will complain and post # errors. If you use an editor, like Notepad++ (recommended for Windows # users), you must configure it to "replace tabs with spaces." # This can be changed in Settings > Preferences > Language Menu. # - Don't get rid of indentations. They are indented so some entries that are # in categories, like "max-blocks-changed", are placed in the "limits" # category. # - If you want to check the format of this file before putting it # into WorldEdit, paste it into http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/ # and see if it gives you "ERROR:". # - Lines starting with # are comments, so they are ignored. # - If you want to allow blocks, make sure to change "disallowed-blocks" to [] # limits: max-blocks-changed: default: -1 maximum: -1 vertical-height: default: 256 max-polygonal-points: default: -1 maximum: 20 max-radius: -1 max-super-pickaxe-size: 5 max-brush-radius: 5 butcher-radius: default: -1 maximum: -1 disallowed-blocks: - "minecraft:oak_sapling" - "minecraft:jungle_sapling" - "minecraft:dark_oak_sapling" - "minecraft:spruce_sapling" - "minecraft:birch_sapling" - "minecraft:acacia_sapling" - "minecraft:black_bed" - "minecraft:blue_bed" - "minecraft:brown_bed" - "minecraft:cyan_bed" - "minecraft:gray_bed" - "minecraft:green_bed" - "minecraft:light_blue_bed" - "minecraft:light_gray_bed" - "minecraft:lime_bed" - "minecraft:magenta_bed" - "minecraft:orange_bed" - "minecraft:pink_bed" - "minecraft:purple_bed" - "minecraft:red_bed" - "minecraft:white_bed" - "minecraft:yellow_bed" - "minecraft:powered_rail" - "minecraft:detector_rail" - "minecraft:grass" - "minecraft:dead_bush" - "minecraft:moving_piston" - "minecraft:piston_head" - "minecraft:sunflower" - "minecraft:rose_bush" - "minecraft:dandelion" - "minecraft:poppy" - "minecraft:brown_mushroom" - "minecraft:red_mushroom" - "minecraft:tnt" - "minecraft:torch" - "minecraft:fire" - "minecraft:redstone_wire" - "minecraft:wheat" - "minecraft:potatoes" - "minecraft:carrots" - "minecraft:melon_stem" - "minecraft:pumpkin_stem" - "minecraft:beetroots" - "minecraft:rail" - "minecraft:lever" - "minecraft:redstone_torch" - "minecraft:redstone_wall_torch" - "minecraft:repeater" - "minecraft:comparator" - "minecraft:stone_button" - "minecraft:birch_button" - "minecraft:acacia_button" - "minecraft:dark_oak_button" - "minecraft:jungle_button" - "minecraft:oak_button" - "minecraft:spruce_button" - "minecraft:cactus" - "minecraft:sugar_cane" - "minecraft:bedrock" use-inventory: enable: false allow-override: true creative-mode-overrides: false logging: log-commands: false file: worldedit.log # The format of custom log message. This is java general format string (java.util.Formatter). Arguments are: # 1$ : date - a Date object representing event time of the log record. # 2$ : source - a string representing the caller, if available; otherwise, the logger's name. # 3$ : logger - the logger's name. # 4$ : level - the log level. # 5$ : message - the formatted log message returned from the Formatter.formatMessage(LogRecord) method. It uses java.text formatting and does not use the java.util.Formatter format argument. # 6$ : thrown - a string representing the throwable associated with the log record and its backtrace beginning with a newline character, if any; otherwise, an empty string. # For details see: # https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Formatter.html # https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/logging/SimpleFormatter.html#format-java.util.logging.LogRecord- format: "[%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS %4$s]: %5$s%6$s%n" super-pickaxe: drop-items: true many-drop-items: false snapshots: directory: navigation-wand: item: minecraft:compass max-distance: 100 scripting: timeout: 3000 dir: craftscripts saving: dir: schematics files: allow-symbolic-links: false history: size: 15 expiration: 10 calculation: timeout: 100 debugging: trace-unflushed-sessions: false wand-item: minecraft:wooden_axe shell-save-type: no-op-permissions: false debug: false show-help-on-first-use: true server-side-cui: true command-block-support: false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the help
  4. i have been trying to uplload an old world for ages but whenever i use the upload world setting in minehut, it will upload but the world will not change
  5. how about this one? https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/block-shuffle-inspired-by-dream.81513/?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=6442ff4c82cd4007972a88b24d2f9329f8425a3d-1610704005-0-AZxPz2l0y0TB6RcaD5Y0C1G_is_-P6fBsY4UH4EtzIaSW_9aZfwBjDWqp9tOouOZ0q7xw-hQhm59T_4ItgbxNuZsXIv31h62x4ZjVu775VCx501SCweKr_dAX-hI08l63L9OPqp-2DLCiTrI0ZOQ-ERNAQihtkPKAzIWq7GDh4vyU3676oBKqCZzPolza8mmpBYCkNFrjMqzA9UcOnnAkWob7-ADLC-MYtM2Ln48uysJux383WDuigptcS3ioBulYdQZG5FkVxISBicksdYAavKJzgsnabsWZM52XcGU-NGUCCju9As4b_gFrFXVnCU_LSFtcJXOhOs08Wm841I9h8LKfsB4lu69aSyHlVPsDJxYbJu0SpOuhonyaxR6KWC1Kw Also thanks for the consideration
  6. https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/block-shuffle Pleeeeeeeeeeeease add Block Shuffle. It would be so fun! Block shuffle is a game where each player has to stand on a random block selected by the plugin or else they blow up. The time limit is around 5 minutes or so to get to the selected block. Reference to what this looks like can be found in dream and georgenotfound's video here: This would be a great little mini game plugin that me and my friends especially would love to be able to play .
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