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Everything posted by Ew_Its_Pandaa

  1. 1. IGN - Ew_Its_Panda 2. Timezone - NAW 3. Age (13+ only) - 14 4. Discord Name & ID (ex. Sh0ot#3984) - PANDA#5416 5. What experience do you have as a staff member? - I have no staff experience on any other servers but my own 6. Why would you like to be staff on LavaS - I Spend all my time on the server so might as well put a good use to it. And it would seem pretty funny with the look on wishcash's face 7. Why should we hire you over other people? - I mean I do find a lot of bugs ( you know me ) and if I'm staff it would give me a better reason to report them because I've abused many bugs and avoided the "Rewards" because didn't seem as powerful as the bug itself ( hope admitting to bug abuse doesn't affect app results lmao ) 8. Have you ever hacked before (this will not affect your chances) - Yes on 1.12 but never after that ( besides X-ray texture packs if that's a hack ) 9. Have you ever been banned on any servers? If so, for what reason? - Yes LavaS for spawn killing, X-ray Texture packs, Ddos jokes, and sum other stuff idk. 10. Anything else we should know? (hobbies, personality, etc) - I am very hated on lavas and its kind of funny Situational Questions 1. What would you do if you thought someone might be using criticals or nofall? - I would go out and pvp him most likely on an alt to see if he jumps to get a crit ( not spectator unless there is a vanish that avoids tracers ) and for nofall i would just watch until he jumps off more than 3 blocks 2. What would you do if you saw somebody flying or using speed hacks? - clip it to make sure its hacks or ban if its blatant 3. What would you do if someone was botting the server? - mute chat until it resolved or kick/ban the bots if its easy to tell what are bots and not 4. What would you do if someone starts spamming personal information in chat? - mute the player for the right amount of time they deserved and clear chat 5. What would you do if someone says something racist or homophobic in chat? - again i would mute the player for the right amount of time they deserved and clear chat 6. What would you do if somebody was threatening to hack the server? i would say who... cares jk jk I wouldn't really care unless the server starts going crazy
  2. can you make me a expexive pickaxe skript if a pickaxes named &cUkei and lore Ukei it will break a 3x2 raduis and you can onky break certain blocks like cobblestoen iron and crying oby it also need to give the blocks mined to the player

  3. Hello Can you tell me how to remove %%
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