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Posts posted by zStorM_aus

  1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Minecraft Username: zStorM_aus
    Discord Name: zStorM_aus#9139
    Age: 19
    Timezone: GMT+11 (Australia)
    Can you speak fluently in any other languages (Multilingual)? Nope, just english
    Do you have a microphone? No
    Do you have the ability to record? No, because my laptop cant handle minecraft and record at the same time. I am in the process of buying a new computer but that is gonna take some time.
    Why are you applying for staff on Atroisty?

    I am Applying for staff on Atroisty because you are in need of experienced staff members and i believe i can help the community with answering questions and pushing players that do the wrong thing.

    What makes you a better applicant than others?
    Nothing makes me stand out better than other applicants other than my previous experience staff experience.

    Do you have any previous experience if so what?
    I have previous experience as a Developer and Helper, i was a helper on a server called Royal Legacy which had over 200+ players active at the time. I was helper for about 7 months before i reigned. At the moment server has died quite a bit.
    I have been Developer on quite a few servers which have been shutdown.
    How much time will you be able to contribute to being staff?
    At least 5+ hours a day, unless i'm busy. And im always active on discord.
    What would you class as your biggest strength?
    To be Honest i don''t know.
    What activities do you do outside of minecraft?
    At the moment nothing, I am looking for a job tho.
    Have you been banned on any servers if so what?
    I have been banned twice, once was like 5 years ago when i was x-raying dont do that anymore. and once on hypixel which was a false ban, i got unbanned a few days later.
    How do you think the community would feel about you being staff?
    I believe the community would be happy if i become staff, i don't believe anyone hates me.
    Will you be able to do a voice interview? No
    Will you be able to come to staff meetings? Yes, depending on the times.
    Other/Notes: I will be getting a new mic soon, since my current one is broken.

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