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Posts posted by GalaxyBlurry

  1. I am looking for a few specified skripts for my server.

    info: Layout:



    Kill-> reward:
    If you kill someone you get 1 emerald.
    If you attack a player that has a killstreak of 5 you get 2 emeralds.
    And that always +5 killstreak is +1 emerald.
    Killstreak skript if needed for the kill reward skript.

    Gen skript:
    A coal gen named &0CoalGen. You dont need to remove or upgrade it its just for creative to pick and sell.

  2. I am looking for a few specified skripts for my server.

    info: Layout:



    Kill-> reward:
    If you kill someone you get 1 emerald.
    If you attack a player that has a killstreak of 5 you get 2 emeralds.
    And that always +5 killstreak is +1 emerald.
    Killstreak skript if needed for the kill reward skript.

    Gen skript:
    A coal gen named &0CoalGen. You dont need to remove or upgrade it its just for creative to pick and sell.

  3. Personal Questions:
    Minecraft Username: Victor_IX
    Are you multilingual? yes, Dutch, English
    Discord Username: Victor_IX#6785
    Age: 15

    Application Questions:
    Why do you want to apply for a staff on Lift?
    - I've been playing for two full seasons now and I wanted to do a bit more on the server than just play. I want to be able to help the new players and stop hackers.
    How much time can you contribute to being a staff member on Lift?
    - I can put 8+ hours in the server in a week as a staff member.
    Have you been staff on any servers?
    - I was staff on railmines but a week later the server closed.
    How much experience do you have as a staff member?
    - I know how worldedit and commands work.
    Are you currently staff on any other servers?
    - No
    Have you broken any rules on the Lift Discord or Minecaft server?
    - No

    Situation Questions -
    You banned someone for hacking, the community is outraged. How would you deal with the outrage?
    - I know how worldedit and commands work.
    Explain a situation where you might have to act mature and professional while being staff on Lift.
    - When people say I'm not doing my job.


    When people say I'm not doing my job.

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