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Everything posted by Frostingly

  1. I am the first person to actually get a 3 in-a-row starboard message: I cropped it so it'd look good.
  2. I need a jack hammer skript for my prisons server.
  3. Unfortunately, that means you need to reset your server...
  4. If the delete button doesn't work, then it's a Minehut issue and you should report it in the Minehut Meta discord by doing !meta, in the Minehut discord.
  5. Remove all plugins and then turn on the server, if that doesn't work then you may need to reset the entire server, also you should be able to get in "edit server" when you press "start".
  6. You should've did a backup first, if you did a backup then you can easily retrieve it and upload it to your server and be fine. You cannot do anything, you gotta redo everything.
  7. Latest log is a file that allows people to see the logs of every event when the server was turned on and before it was shutdowned, it doesn't affect if the server can turn on whatsoever. If the tick speed is still 1 billion, then go to your console and set the tick speed to about 20. If you can't turn the server on due to overload, then reset the entire server in the danger zone section of the panel. Mark this post as resolved if my suggestion worked.
  8. New clearlag plugin update: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/clearlagg/
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