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Everything posted by monek1

  1. monekquest.minehut.gg monekquest.minehut.gg monekquest.minehut.gg
  2. how do i go in creative mode irl pleasde tell mods
  3. command /stuff: trigger: give iron sword of sharpness 2 to player give diamond pickaxe of efficiency 2 to player
  4. monek1

    Why won't tuske work?

    does skript-gui work the same as TuSKe?
  5. monek1

    Why won't tuske work?

    help me every time I try to format something, it never works
  6. 1. How old are you? 2. Have you been staff on another server? 3. On a scale of 1-10 how mature do you think you are (10 being the highest) 4. What would you like to apply for? (Moderator, builder, etc) 5. What makes you stand out from the other applicants? 6. What year were you born? 7. What would you do if users started spamming and cursing you out? 8. What if someone was hacking but you had no ban permissions? 9. What if someone was spamming your private messages (/pm)? 10. Why would you like to apply for staff? 11. What do you think is the easiest hack to detect? 12. What hacks do you think are commonly mistaken for lag? 13. What do you think is the hardest hack to detect? 14. What if you accidentally typed something in chat only staff are suppose to see? 15. How much staff experience do you have? 16. What if you are accused for something you didn't do by a staff? 17. What would you say is the most important rule for players at BelugaGens 18. What is your time zone? 19. What is your IGN? 20. Any other information? (optional)
  7. Suggest an idea for the server!
  8. Do not spam bug reports or you will be BANNED from the server IGN ScreenShot of the bug
  9. options: version: 1.0 prefix: &7[&6Name&eEditor&7] noperm: &cYou are not allowed to do this! perm: ne.* command /ne [<text>] [<player>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: message "&f&l&m----------------------" to player message "&6&lName Editor" to player message "&eMade by BelugaMC" to player message "" to player message "&6/ne setprefix <player> <prefix>" to player message "&6/ne setsuffix <player> <suffix>" to player message "&6/ne removeprefix <player>" to player message "&6/ne removesuffix <player>" to player message "&6/ne help" to player message "&f&l&m----------------------" to player if arg-1 is "help": message "&f&l&m----------------------" to player message "&6&lName Editor" to player message "&eMade by BelugaMC" to player message "" to player message "&6/ne setprefix <player> <prefix>" to player message "&6/ne setsuffix <player> <suffix>" to player message "&6/ne removeprefix <player>" to player message "&6/ne removesuffix <player>" to player message "&6/ne help" to player message "&f&l&m----------------------" to player if arg-1 is "setprefix": if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is set: set arg-2's prefix to "%arg-3% " send "{@prefix} &rSet %arg-2%'s prefix to %arg-3%" to player if arg-1 is "setsuffix": if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is set: set arg-2's suffix to "%arg-3% " send "{@prefix} &rSet %arg-2%'s suffix to %arg-3%" to player if arg-1 is "removeprefix": if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is not set: set arg-2's prefix to "" send "{@prefix} &rRemoved %arg-2%'s prefix" to player if arg-1 is "removesuffix": if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is not set: set arg-2's suffix to "" send "{@prefix} &rRemoved %arg-2%'s suffix" to player if arg-1 is not "removeprefix" or "removesuffix" or "setsuffix" or "setprefix" or "help": if arg-1 is set: send "{@prefix} &rIncorrect syntax! Type ''/ne help'' for help." to player
  10. # Made by BelugaMC # Warn Section options: Prefix: &7[&bWarns&7] command /warn [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]: permission: punish.warn permission message: &4ERROR: &cInvalid Permission! trigger: permission message: &4ERROR: &cInvalid Permission! trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: send "{@Prefix} &bYou have been warned for: &c%arg-2%" to arg-1 send "{@Prefix} &bWarned &c%arg-1%&r for: &c%arg-2%" to player add 1 to {%arg-1's uuid%.warns} if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is not set: send "{@mp} &bYou have been warned!" to arg-1 send "{@mp} Warned &c%arg-1%" to player if arg-1 is not set: send "&cUsage: /warn <player> <reason>" to player command /warns [<player>]: permission: punish.seewarns permission message: &4ERROR: &cInvalid Permission! trigger: if arg-1 is set: send "{@Prefix} &b%arg-1%&r has &c%{%arg-1's uuid%.warns}%&r warns!" to player if arg-1 is not set: send "&cUsage: /warns <player>" to player command /clearwarns [<player>]: permission: punish.clearwarns permission message: &4ERROR: &cInvalid Permission! trigger: set {%arg-1's uuid%.warns} to 0 send "{@Prefix} &bCleared all of &c%arg-1%'s &rwarns!" to player # Ban/Unban section options: Perm: punsih.ban/unban PermMsg: &4ERROR: &cInvalid permission! Prefix: &7[&4BAN&7] BanUsage: &c/ban <player> <reason> UnbanUsage: &c/unban <player> command /ban [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]: permission: {@Perm} permission message: {@PermMsg} trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is not set: kick arg-1 because "&cThe ban hammer has spoken!" ban arg-1 because "&cThe ban hammer has spoken!" add 1 to {%arg-2's uuid%.bans} broadcast "{@Prefix} &r%arg-1% Has been banned!" if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: kick arg-1 because "&c%arg-2%" ban arg-1 because "&c%arg-2%" if arg-1 is not set: send "{@Prefix} {@BanUsage}" to player command /unban [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]: permission: {@Perm} permission message: {@PermMsg} trigger: if arg-1 is set: unban arg-1 broadcast "{@Prefix} &r%arg-1% Has been unbanned!" if arg-1 is not set: send "{@Prefix} {@UnbanUsage}" to player
  11. /spawn skript i made SKRIPT: # Made by BelugaMC on join: teleport player to {spawn} on death: teleport player to {spawn} options: Prefix: &7[&b&lBeluga&3&lGens&7] Perm: belugagens.setspawn PermMessage: &cNo permission! command /setspawn: permission: {@Perm} permission message: {@PermMessage} trigger: set {spawn} to location of player send "{@Prefix} &aSet spawn at &2%{spawn}%" to player command /spawn: trigger: wait 1 seconds send "{@Prefix} &rTeleporting to spawn in &a3" to player wait 1 seconds send "{@Prefix} &rTeleporting to spawn in &a2" to player wait 1 seconds send "{@Prefix} &rTeleporting to spawn in &a1" to player wait 1 seconds teleport player to {spawn} send "{@Prefix} &rTeleport to spawn!" to player
  12. monek1

    Where is TPA?

    you could also use skript for tpa
  13. command /clearlag: permission: clearlag permission message: &6[ERROR] &rYou do not have permission to execute this command! trigger: broadcast "&7[&6SERVER NAME&7] &4%player% &cis Clearing all entities in 5 seconds!" wait 5 seconds execute console command "/execute run kill @e[type=!player]"
  14. heres the skript i made :D: #Epic warn and report skript bt BelugaMC #ONLY EDIT IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING!!! command /stats [<offlineplayer>]: trigger: if arg-1 is set: open virtual chest with size 1 named "Stats for %arg-1%" to player format gui slot 0 of player with skeleton skull named "&4&lDeaths: &c%{%player%.deaths}%" format gui slot 1 of player with iron sword named "&4&lKills: &c%{%player%.kills}%" format gui slot 2 of player with light blue wool named "&4&lWarns: &c%{%arg-1%.warns}%" if arg-1 is not set: open virtual chest with size 1 named "Your Stats" to player format gui slot 0 of player with skeleton skull named "&4&lDeaths: &c%{%player%.deaths}%" format gui slot 1 of player with iron sword named "&4&lKills: &c%{%player%.kills}%" format gui slot 2 of player with light blue wool named "&4&lWarns: &c%{%arg-1%.warns}%" on death: if attacker is player: add 1 to {%player%.kills} on death: add 1 to {%player%.deaths} command /report [<player>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&cUsage: /report (player)" to player if arg-2 is not set: broadcast "&7[&6BelugaGens&7] &c%arg-1% &rhas been reported by &c%player%" if arg-2 is set: broadcast "&7[&6BelugaGens&7] &c%arg-1% &rhas been reported by &c%player% &rfor: &6%arg-2%" command /warn [<player>] [<text>]: permission: belugagens.warn permission message: &c[ERROR] &rYou do not have permission to execute this command! trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&7[&bWarn&7] &bUsage: &c/warn (player)" to player if arg-2 is set: send "&7[&bWarn&7] &bYou have been warned for: &c%arg-2%" to arg-1 send "&7[&bWarn&7] &bSuccseesfuly warned &c%arg-1% &bfor: &c%arg-2%&b!" to player add 1 to {%arg-1%.warns} if arg-2 is not set: send "&7[&bWarn&7] &bYou have been warned" to arg-1 send "&7[&bWarn&7] &bSuccseesfuly warned &c%arg-1%&b!" to player add 1 to {%arg-1%.warns} command /warns [<offlineplayer>]: permission: belugagens.warns permission message: &c[ERROR] &rYou do not have permission to execute this command! trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&7[&bWarn&7] &bUsage: &c/warn (player)" to player if arg-1 is set: send "&7[&bWarns&7] &c%arg-1%&b has &c%{%arg-1%.warns}% &bwarns." to player command /clearwarns [<offlineplayer>]: permission: belugagens.clearwarns permission message: &c[ERROR] &rYou do not have permission to execute this command! trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&7[&bWarn&7] &bUsage: &c/clearwarn (player)" to player if arg-1 is set: set {%arg-1%.warns} to 0 send "&7[&bWarn&7] &bReset &c%arg-1%&c's&b warns." to player ##########################END OF SKRIPT ##########################
  15. on join: set the join message to "&7[&a+] &7%player% has connected!" send subtitle "&bWelcome &6%player%&b!" to player play sound "entity.arrow.hit_player" to all players on quit: set the leave message to "&7[&c-] &7%player% has disconnected!" play sound "entity.arrow.hit_player" to all players
  16. heres some soup skript I made: #Made by BelugaMC command /givesoup: permission: <insert permission here> permission message: <insert permission message here> trigger: send "&7[&6Server Name&7] &rGave 1 soup to %player%" give mushroom stew named "&5Soup" to arg-1 on rightclick with mushroom stew: if name of tool of player is "&5Soup": wait 1 tick heal player remove 1 mushroom stew from player
  17. command /rules: trigger: send "--------[RULES]------" to player send "&c&l1. idk" to player send "&c&l2. idk" to player send "&c&l3. idk" to player send "---------------------" to player
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