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Everything posted by CoolProgrammer

  1. Great guide PandaChan, and I like how you mentioned how different ranks have different formatting perms, with cooldown. Also, "Difficulty: Easy", lol never knew that using /ad has a difficulty level...
  2. Good tutorial Formato, will 100% help a tonne of people out there.
  3. Hey. Do you have Vault installed? If so, do /vault-info and tell me what it says. Suggestion: Use LuckPerms and Vault for better and faster performance.
  4. Looks like you have a problem with one of the json files located in the main directory of your server. i.e. java.lang.NullPointerException: null Could you go ahead and pastebin/hastebin /crash-reports/crash-2020-11-29_04.09.30-server.txt file?
  5. I assume you tried duping in single-player/pure vanilla server? Things have changed a lot in custom forks of Minecraft Servers which give people the ability to code and put in their own plugins for the server while some improve performance and fix bugs. BukkitAPI was the first server jar which allowed players to code and add in plugins. Some things are broken, some things are fixed. Many things have changed code wise too. I believe that such things were broken while optimizing the game core, so if it broke in BukkitAPI/SpigotAPI, then there is no way to have it work on Paper, the way it used to work on vanilla. This is how it was forked: Paper <- Spigot <- Bukkit. If this thing changed in Bukkit, then there is possibly no way to recreate it on Paper itself.
  6. Join on IP bedrock.minehut.com with port 19132. Then /server (name) or /join (name).
  7. Alternatively, gamerules are stored in level.dat file inside of the world folder. If setting the randomTickSpeed doesn't work via console, delete level.dat
  8. Hopefully shouldn't be a problem because Minehut already uses an expensive word filter system, CommunitySift. They can simply check if the message as /join or join with a server name checked from database. Exceptions such as "server" "<server>" could be added in.
  9. Hey Goose. Thanks for showing me the Meta issue link. How about checking for keywords such as "your", "<server>" or even checking if the message contains name of a Minehut Server which actually exists in the database? And if not, then would be blocked? Sounds a bit complicated, but pretty sure it can be accomplished with multiple people finding a solution. I'll ask this on the thread as well.
  10. Hey. First of all, I'd suggest you to start using Skript instead of relying on Command Blocks for heavy tasks. Also, RAM doesn't play a big game in server performance, so don't worry about upgrading/downgrading your plan, unless you have a big player count change. Minehut doesn't give you better CPU power over free plans (So CPU power for free plans = paid plans), and only offer more RAM. CPU power plays a big role. PlayerServer should not affect your server performance. Alternatively, would you mind sharing your timings report?
  11. Hey pop! I'm sorry! Literally forgot to link the plugin. I've edited the main post and added in the link. Thanks
  12. Hey Tarna. Love how you are so active here helping out people. Keep up the great work and all the best. ❤️ Thank you for everything.

    1. _Tarna_


      Hello! Thank You!

  13. Oops! Didn't see that since I didn't look at the code. I typed in the way to debug a command tho, hope it helps in the future in some way.
  14. Gives me somewhat Hypixel vibes. Well designed server, which has been there for a lot of time!
  15. Hey, I know this is general forum, but you can do this with Skript! https://forums.skunity.com/threads/colorutils-1-16.12134/ All you gotta do is copy paste that function, and then make a simple on chat event: on chat: set {_msg} to gradient(message, (r, g, b), (r, g, b)) # Make sure you replace r b g with actual color values! set message to "&7%player% &8» &r%{_msg}%" You can use this website to pick up r, g, b values for your choice of colors: https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp
  16. Hey! That sounds sad But I'd suggest you to post this in Reports forums for a moderator to have full and quick attention to your report. All the best!
  17. How many times have Staff said "Please use /ad"? Whenever I join lobby, I see people advertising in the chat, "/join this", "/join that", and then there comes a poor staff member who politely has to repeat over and over, "Please use /ad ". Quite stressful... (Good thing that ranked players also contribute helping staff when things get crazier) As you know how powerful Minehut's word blocker is, why can't devs/admins spend a day in making a system where a message will be blocked if it contains "join" or "/join" or even a check if the player is advertising a server name which actually exists, e.g. Suppose I own a server called "Bonknote" and I type in "everyone!!! join bonknote quick! now now now!", you can check if a server called "bonknote" actually exists on Minehut before you block the message (example idea, pretty sure you can come up with better ideas, because I'm dumb). It would make things a lot easier, and don't you think it would be worth having such a thing? On top of that, at 13k player count, the chat gets crazy with advertisements, and Helpers, Mods and (rarely) Admins have to keep repeating "Please use /ad" over and over again. Think about it, it's just a simple solution to a crazy problem. It will make things easier for staff, and prevent from some people getting mad like "SOTP ADVERTISING" and creating drama. Helpers and Mods, you gotta motivate the devs and admins it would be worth it.
  18. Do you get any weird alien looking messages containing Exception when you are sent back to lobby? Or something similar? If so, I assume your in-game name is Anexzs. Just checked your uuid from NameMC. Now go to your main world folder, then go playerdata. Look for a file called 781f737f-2d86-4a0b-9830-821e04abc446.dat and delete it. This will delete your enderchest, inventory, xp, etc. but should let you join back again.
  19. Good tutorial Goose. Pretty sure it's going to help a tonne of people out there.
  20. Minehut already has a plugin called DeluxeMenus which literally requires 0 brain power. Possibilities are endless.
  21. Hello. I'm here to request a plugin called CleanroomGenerator. Now, I know that there is VoidGenerator already out there, but the reason I thought you should add in CleanroomGenerator is that it's a plugin which has more features, such as custom, user defined world creation, maintained and updated by the author. I've met multiple people who want to make a custom flat world, with custom layers which unfortunately isn't possible with VoidGenerator or Multiverse itself. Creation of such a world is easy, but a constant "generation" isn't possible with single player world creation. Link: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/cleanroomgenerator It's still on Bukkit forums, and so sweet to see the author still maintaining it!
  22. Hey This would've been possible via Multiverse and CleanroomGenerator. Unfortunately, Minehut doesn't have CleanroomGenerator plugin. (I will request this plugin) What you can do for now is, create a custom flat world with Single Player World Creation, and then upload the world to Minehut directly! If you don't know, reply here and I will tell you how it's done. You can also use WorldEdit to set a custom world, and if the server lags out, try using FastAsyncWorldEdit (which will perform multiple tasks within seconds)! Edit: I've requested the plugin, and a staff member responded. Hopefully should be added in soon.
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