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  1. DO NOT GO ON corefarmz.minehut.gg its a scam
  2. I joined this server and thought it was pretty interesting so I bought a rank on their buycraft. Under the amenities, it said that I would get 20 sethomes, but I only had access to 1 once I received the rank. After I expressed my concern, the owner went onto the buycraft and changed it so that there would only be 1 sethome and brought down a lot of the perks so that they weren't as good. After that, the owner(ign: RoyalSilent) told me that I could buy builder under the ranks section of his buycraft for only 10 dollars, but he gave me a coupon so it was only 3 dollars. In the description, it said, "you will gain gmc with this rank." I payed for the rank and after I payed, he gave me pieces of paper which said GMC builder and gamemode creative. He told me that I would get top rank next season, and I thought that was ok. The next season came, and I already had top rank. I was muted in chat permanently for spamming but this was only my first offence. On their punishment section, it says that the first offence of spamming is just warnable and not permanently bannable. After I charged back the money I paid for the builder rank and gmc, the next day he banned me from their buycraft, and told me I had to pay more money to get unbanned and unmuted. Then, he decided to ban me from their server after I charged back the purchase and ban me from the discord. I am putting this out there as a PSA to NOT PLAY OR BUY ANYTHING FROM corefarmz.minehut.gg because the owner will try to scam you out of your money.
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