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  1. my skript doesnt hide the player from mobs is there any way i could hide the player from all mobs but still let other players see the player visiting? command /visit <player>: aliases: /v, /goto trigger: if player-arg is online: if player-arg is "%player%": send "&0[&bDropoff&0] &fYou cant visit yourself!" to player stop else: send "&0[&bDropoff&0] &fSending you to &6%arg-1%'s&f island!" to player wait 5 ticks set {visit.%player%} to true hide player from mobs teleport player to location(0.50, 66.2, 0.50, world("sb%arg-1%")) wait 5 ticks execute console command "gma %player%" wait 5 ticks send "&0[&bDropoff&0] &6%player% is visiting ur island!" to arg-1 wait 3 ticks execute console command "/fly %player% enable"
  2. But I'm working on a skyblock server and I'm trying to make a /visit command and i want the owner of the island to still open chests but a player visiting cant out chests
  3. I don't really know what to do but I'm trying to stop someone from opening a chest here is my code on chest open: if {visit.%player%} is true cancel event
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