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Everything posted by SneakyWinner

  1. So basically I really need a Minion plugin for my server and I found this plugin and I thought its cool and its free so I you want add it. Plugin: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/minions-v1-0
  2. So basicly all I have to say is to add BentoBox Level addon so I can add it to my server and players and play SkyBlock and try to get to top 1 The plugin: https://github.com/BentoBoxWorld/Level/releases
  3. SneakyWinner


    Hey minehut developers/staff I just want to tell you to add a very cool plugin. Its for getting xpbottles out of your xp in game. I thing is a really cool plugin and i defenetly recommend. Also I want that plugin in my server, Plugin Called: XpBottles - Convert exp into bottles! 1.0.1 Plugin Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/xpbottles-convert-exp-into-bottles.69233/
  4. SneakyWinner


    Hey minehut developers/staff members I just want to tell you to add a cool plugin called FastPlace because it will help me with my personal minecraft server and i thing its a really cool plugin. The link of the plugin is this if you are interesting: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/fastplace-skyblock-factions-feature-like-on-big-skyblock-factions-servers-good-donater-perk.59388/updates
  5. There is a server limit and I cant play on my server I know its not easy to fix that stuff but please I want to play on my server I work hard and I dont want to get reset again.
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