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Everything posted by ChilkinsJr

  1. I live right next to the water, Connecticut. In my town, you are always gonna see something you have never seen.
  2. Laughs, I lost power and a tree fell on the power line and the transformer blew up. hahaha.
  3. Now I'm being slammed. I feel you buddy. I got my baked beans ready to do the eating.
  4. it is I told him to stop. If he doesnt then Imma report him. I talked to support about it.
  5. Trees are falling everywhere around me ;-; If i die i leave my website to @farwl, lol
  6. ChilkinsJr


    Ban and IP-Ban are two different things. put your your 46 chromosomes to good use on this one.
  7. HELLO, im stuck saying e

  8. Let me negotiate a price with trent.
  9. Disclaimer: this is just a joke and you will already have the rank when you go to the server. To enter the minehut member giveaway, just like this post, and you will be a member.
  10. command /alert [<text>]: permission: aler.use permission message: &cInsufficient Permissions! trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&cPlease write something!" if arg-1 is set: broadcast "&c&lAlert | &f%coloured arg-1%" This next one was made by xlr100#6932 #Made by xlr100#6932 (For any bugs) #version: 1 #-------------------------------------------------------- #Configuration variables: prefix = "&c&lPunish »" #Change the prefix in chat options: error.offline: "%{prefix}% &cThe player is not online" usage.kick: "%{prefix}% &cCorrect Usage: &7/kick <player> <reason>" usage.warn: "%{prefix}% &cCorrect Usage: &7/warn <player> <reason>" usage.mute: "%{prefix}% &cCorrect Usage: &7/mute <player> <time> <reason>" usage.unmute: "%{prefix}% &cCorrect Usage: &7/unmute <player> <reason>" usage.ban: "%{prefix}% &cCorrect Usage: &7/ban <player> <time> <reason>" usage.unban: "%{prefix}% &cCorrect Usage: &7/unban <player> <reason>" format.time: "&cThe time needs to be in the following format: <amount><sec/min/hour/day> (For example 10min)" usage.logs: "%{prefix}% &cCorrect Usage: &7/logs <player> &cor &7&7/logs server" command.cooldown: 5 seconds #Change the cooldown for the command #-------------------------------------------------------- on load: wait 1 tick Time_Register() PunishTime_Register() PunishColor_Register() PunishShow_Register() function Time_Register(): clear {time.types::*} set {time.types::second} to "sec" set {time.types::minute} to "min" set {time.types::hour} to "hour" set {time.types::day} to "day" clear {letters::*} set {_str} to "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,/,!,@,##,$,%%,^,*,(,),{,},[,],"",|,;,',`,?" set {letters::*} to {_str} split at "," function PunishTime_Register(): #Mutes set {punish.time::mute::1} to "5 Minutes" set {punish.time::mute::2} to "30 Minutes" set {punish.time::mute::3} to "1 Hour" set {punish.time::mute::4} to "1 Day" #Bans set {punish.time::ban::1} to "1 Hour" set {punish.time::ban::2} to "12 Hours" set {punish.time::ban::3} to "1 Day" set {punish.time::ban::4} to "30 Days" function PunishColor_Register(): clear {punish.color::*} set {punish.color::warns} to "&e" set {punish.color::kicks} to "&f" set {punish.color::mutes} to "&8" set {punish.color::bans} to "&c" function PunishShow_Register(): clear {punish.show::*} set {punish.show::warns} to "Warn" set {punish.show::kicks} to "Kick" set {punish.show::mutes} to "Mute" set {punish.show::bans} to "Ban" function Time_Check(time: string, c: boolean = true) :: boolean: loop {letters::*}: {_num} contains loop-value-2: set {_c} to false exit loop return {_c} on inventory close: delete {inventory::%player's uuid%} command /logs [<offline player>] [<text>] [<number>]: permission: skript.logs trigger: if arg-1 is set: if "%arg-1%" is "clear": player is op clear {%arg-2%::*} send "%{prefix}% &aCleared all %arg-2%" else if arg-2 isn't set: set {_menu} to chest inventory with 5 rows named "Logs %arg-1%" set slot (integers from 0 to 8) of {_menu} to black glass pane named " " set slot (integers from 37 to 45) of {_menu} to black glass pane named " " set slot 36 of {_menu} to barrier named "&cClose" set slot 19 of {_menu} to yellow concrete named "&e&lWarns" set slot 21 of {_menu} to white concrete named "&f&lKicks" set slot 23 of {_menu} to gray concrete named "&8&lMutes" set slot 25 of {_menu} to red concrete named "&c&lBans" open {_menu} to player set {inventory::%player's uuid%} to "logs.main/%arg-1%" else if arg-2 is "warns" or "kicks" or "mutes" or "bans": set {_menu} to chest inventory with 6 rows named "Logs %arg-1% - %{punish.show::%arg-2%}%" set slot (integers from 0 to 8) of {_menu} to black glass pane named " " set slot (integers from 46 to 53) of {_menu} to black glass pane named " " set slot 45 of {_menu} to barrier named "&cBack" set {_color} to {punish.color::%arg-2%} set {_slot} to 9 if arg-1 isn't "server": loop {punish::%arg-1's uuid%::%arg-2%::*}: set {_id} to loop-value if {%arg-2%::%{_id}%::staff} is set: if arg-2 is "warns" or "kicks": set slot {_slot} of {_menu} to paper named "%{_color}%%{punish.show::%arg-2%}% ##%{_id}%" with lore "&7Staff: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::staff}%", "&7Reason: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::reason}%" and "&7Date: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::when}%" else: if {%arg-2%::%{_id}%::time} isn't "perm": set {_time} to {%arg-2%::%{_id}%::time} parsed as timespan else: set {_time} to {%arg-2%::%{_id}%::time} if {%arg-2%::%{_id}%::undo.staff} is set: set slot {_slot} of {_menu} to paper named "%{_color}%%{punish.show::%arg-2%}% ##%{_id}%" with lore "&7Staff: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::staff}%", "&7Reason: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::reason}%", "&7Date: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::when}%", "&7Length: %{_color}%%{_time}%", "&7Canceled By: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::undo.staff}%" and "&7Reason For Cancel: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::undo.reason}%" else: set slot {_slot} of {_menu} to paper named "%{_color}%%{punish.show::%arg-2%}% ##%{_id}%" with lore "&7Staff: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::staff}%", "&7Reason: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::reason}%", "&7Date: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::when}%" and "&7Length: %{_color}%%{_time}%" add 1 to {_slot} if {_slot} >= 45: set slot 54 of {_menu} to arrow named "&eNext Page" exit loop else: remove {_id} from {punish::%arg-1's uuid%::%arg-2%::*} else: if arg-3 isn't set: set {_c} to true else: set slot 45 of {_menu} to arrow named "&ePrevious Page" set {_need} to arg-3 loop all indices of {%arg-2%::*}: if {_c} isn't true: add 1 to {_num} if {_num} >= {_need} - 1: set {_c} to true else: set {_id} to loop-value if arg-2 is "warns" or "kicks": set slot {_slot} of {_menu} to paper named "%{_color}%%{punish.show::%arg-2%}% ##%{_id}%" with lore "&7Player: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::player}%", "&7Staff: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::staff}%", "&7Reason: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::reason}%" and "&7Date: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::when}%" else: if {%arg-2%::%{_id}%::time} isn't "perm": set {_time} to {%arg-2%::%{_id}%::time} parsed as timespan else: set {_time} to {%arg-2%::%{_id}%::time} if {%arg-2%::%{_id}%::undo.staff} is set: set slot {_slot} of {_menu} to paper named "%{_color}%%{punish.show::%arg-2%}% ##%{_id}%" with lore "&7Player: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::player}%", "&7Staff: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::staff}%", "&7Reason: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::reason}%", "&7Date: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::when}%", "&7Length: %{_color}%%{_time}%", "&7Canceled By: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::undo.staff}%" and "&7Reason For Cancel: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::undo.reason}%" else: set slot {_slot} of {_menu} to paper named "%{_color}%%{punish.show::%arg-2%}% ##%{_id}%" with lore "&7Player: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::player}%", "&7Staff: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::staff}%", "&7Reason: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::reason}%", "&7Date: %{_color}%%{%arg-2%::%{_id}%::when}%" and "&7Length: %{_color}%%{_time}%" add 1 to {_slot} if {_slot} >= 45: set slot 53 of {_menu} to arrow named "&eNext Page" set {_last} to (loop-value parsed as integer) + 1 exit loop open {_menu} to player if {_last} is set: set {inventory::%player's uuid%} to "logs.%arg-2%/%arg-1%/%{_last}%" else: set {inventory::%player's uuid%} to "logs.%arg-2%/%arg-1%" else: send {@usage.logs} on inventory click: if {inventory::%player's uuid%} contains "logs": cancel event if {inventory::%player's uuid%} contains "main": if event-slot is concrete: set {_temp::*} to {inventory::%player's uuid%} split at "/" make player execute command "/logs %{_temp::2}% %uncolored name of event-slot in lower case%" else if event-slot is barrier: close player's inventory else: if event-slot is barrier: set {_temp::*} to {inventory::%player's uuid%} split at "/" make player execute command "/logs %{_temp::2}%" else if event-slot is arrow: set {_temp::*} to {inventory::%player's uuid%} split at "/" set {_type} to {_temp::1} replace all "logs." in {_type} with "" if uncolored name of event-slot contains "Next": set {_num} to {_temp::3} else: set {_num} to ("%{_temp::3}%" parsed as integer) - 36 if {_num} <= 1: make player execute command "/logs %{_temp::2}% %{_type}%" stop make player execute command "/logs %{_temp::2}% %{_type}% %{_num}%" command /warn [<player>] [<text>]: permission: skript.warn trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-1 is online: if arg-2 is set: add 1 to {warn.count} set {warns::%{warn.count}%::player} to arg-1 set {warns::%{warn.count}%::staff} to player set {warns::%{warn.count}%::reason} to arg-2 set {warns::%{warn.count}%::when} to now add {warn.count} to {punish::%arg-1's uuid%::warns::*} broadcast "&e&lWarns » &e%arg-1% &7has been warned by &e%player% &7for &c%arg-2% &7(ID: %{warn.count}%)" else: send {@usage.warn} else: send {@error.offline} else: send {@usage.warn} command /kick [<player>] [<text>]: permission: skript.kick trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-1 is online: if arg-2 is set: add 1 to {kick.count} set {kicks::%{kick.count}%::player} to arg-1 set {kicks::%{kick.count}%::staff} to player set {kicks::%{kick.count}%::reason} to arg-2 set {kicks::%{kick.count}%::when} to now add {kick.count} to {punish::%arg-1's uuid%::kicks::*} kick arg-1 due to "&fYou were kicked by %player% for %arg-2% (ID: %{kick.count}%)" else: send {@usage.kick} else: send {@error.offline} else: send {@usage.kick} command /mute [<offline player>] [<text>] [<text>]: permission: skript.mute trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is set: set {_time} to arg-2 in lower case if {_time} isn't "perm": loop {time.types::*}: if {_time} contains loop-value: set {_num} to {_time} replace all loop-value in {_num} with "" if Time_Check({_num}) is true: set {_length} to "%{_num}% %loop-index%" exit loop else: set {_length} to {_time} if {_length} is set: add 1 to {mute.count} set {mutes::%{mute.count}%::player} to arg-1 set {mutes::%{mute.count}%::staff} to player set {mutes::%{mute.count}%::reason} to arg-3 set {mutes::%{mute.count}%::time} to {_length} set {mutes::%{mute.count}%::when} to now add {mute.count} to {punish::%arg-1's uuid%::mutes::*} set {mute::%arg-1's uuid%} to {mute.count} broadcast "%{prefix}% &e%arg-1% &7has been muted by &e%player% &7for &c%arg-3% &7(ID: %{mute.count}%)" else: send "&cThe time needs to be in the following format: <amount><sec/min/hour/day> (For example 10min)" else: send {@usage.mute} else: send {@usage.mute} else: send {@usage.mute} command /unmute [<offline player>] [<text>]: permission: skript.mute trigger: if arg-1 and arg-2 is set: if {mute::%arg-1's uuid%} is set: set {_id} to {mute::%arg-1's uuid%} if {mutes::%{_id}%::time} isn't "perm": set {_wait} to difference between {mutes::%{_id}%::when} and now if {_wait} < {mutes::%{_id}%::time} parsed as timespan: set {_c} to true else: delete {mute::%arg-1's uuid%} else: set {_c} to true if {_c} is true: set {_id} to {mute::%arg-1's uuid%} set {mutes::%{_id}%::undo.staff} to player set {mutes::%{_id}%::undo.reason} to arg-2 set {mutes::%{_id}%::undo.when} to now delete {mute::%arg-1's uuid%} broadcast "%{prefix}% &e%arg-1% &7has been unmuted by &e%player% &7for &c%arg-2%" else: send "%{prefix}% &cThis player isn't muted" else: send "%{prefix}% &cThis player isn't muted" else: send {@usage.unmute} on chat: if {mute::%player's uuid%} is set: set {_id} to {mute::%player's uuid%} if {mutes::%{_id}%::time} isn't "perm": set {_wait} to difference between {mutes::%{_id}%::when} and now set {_need} to {mutes::%{_id}%::time} parsed as timespan if {_wait} >= {_need}: delete {mute::%player's uuid%} else: cancel event send colored "%{prefix}% &cYou can't talk while being muted (time remaining %difference between {_wait} and {_need}%)" else: cancel event send colored "%{prefix}% &cYou can't talk while being muted (Perm muted)" command /ban [<offline player>] [<text>] [<text>]: permission: skript.ban trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is set: set {_time} to arg-2 in lower case if {_time} isn't "perm": loop {time.types::*}: if {_time} contains loop-value: set {_num} to {_time} replace all loop-value in {_num} with "" if Time_Check({_num}) is true: set {_length} to "%{_num}% %loop-index%" exit loop else: set {_length} to {_time} if {_length} is set: add 1 to {ban.count} set {bans::%{ban.count}%::player} to arg-1 set {bans::%{ban.count}%::staff} to player set {bans::%{ban.count}%::reason} to arg-3 set {bans::%{ban.count}%::time} to {_length} set {bans::%{ban.count}%::when} to now add {ban.count} to {punish::%arg-1's uuid%::bans::*} set {ban::%arg-1's uuid%} to {ban.count} if {_length} isn't "perm": kick arg-1 due to "&cYou are banned! You can rejoin in %{_length} parsed as timespan% &7Staff: &b%{bans::%{ban.count}%::staff}% &7Reason: &b%{bans::%{ban.count}%::reason}%" else: kick arg-1 due to "&cYou are perm banned! &7Staff: &b%{bans::%{ban.count}%::staff}% &7Reason: &b%{bans::%{ban.count}%::reason}%" broadcast "%{prefix}% &e%arg-1% &7has been banned by &e%player% &7for &c%arg-3% &7(ID: %{ban.count}%)" else: send {@format.time} else: send {@usage.ban} else: send {@usage.ban} else: send {@usage.ban} command /unban [<offline player>] [<text>]: permission: skript.ban trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: if {ban::%arg-1's uuid%} is set: set {_id} to {ban::%arg-1's uuid%} if {bans::%{_id}%::time} isn't "perm": set {_wait} to difference between {bans::%{_id}%::when} and now if {_wait} < {bans::%{_id}%::time} parsed as timespan: set {_c} to true else: delete {ban::%arg-1's uuid%} else: set {_c} to true if {_c} is true: set {_id} to {ban::%arg-1's uuid%} set {bans::%{_id}%::undo.staff} to player set {bans::%{_id}%::undo.reason} to arg-2 set {bans::%{_id}%::undo.when} to now delete {ban::%arg-1's uuid%} broadcast "%{prefix}% &e%arg-1% &7has been unbanned by &e%player% &7for &c%arg-2%" else: send "%{prefix}% &cThis player isn't banned" else: send "%{prefix}% &cThis player isn't banned" else: send {@usage.unban} else: send {@usage.unban} on connect: if {ban::%player's uuid%} is set: set {_id} to {ban::%player's uuid%} if {bans::%{_id}%::time} isn't "perm": set {_wait} to difference between {bans::%{_id}%::when} and now set {_need} to {bans::%{_id}%::time} parsed as timespan if {_wait} >= {_need}: delete {ban::%player's uuid%} else: kick player due to "&cYou are banned! You can rejoin in %difference between {_wait} and {_need}% &7Since: &b%{bans::%{_id}%::when}% &7Staff: &b%{bans::%{_id}%::staff}% &7Reason: &b%{bans::%{_id}%::reason}%" else: kick player due to "&cYou are perm banned! &7Since: &b%{bans::%{_id}%::when}% &7Staff: &b%{bans::%{_id}%::staff}% &7Reason: &b%{bans::%{_id}%::reason}%" No definition found. Search the web for "xlr100#6932" »
  11. ChilkinsJr I really like the server named warzone. I think it is really fun and The game play is pretty good.
  12. Sadly I cant boost him...
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