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Everything posted by ChilkinsJr

  1. Thank you.... I guess.
  2. That can be your own opinion. I just draw in that type of style.
  3. Yeah, that is actually a picture, in case you could not tell. I drew the drawing like that picture. I used it as like a template.
  4. pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
  5. Thanks bro, I just joined approximately 78 days, 0 hours, 27 minutes, and ongoing 18 seconds.
  6. Hey gamers! I am a 13 year old.... thing, that pretty much does whatever. I make skripts, drawings, textures, websites, ect. I am pretty much always bored. That is pretty much it. Wanna see a drawing I made? Too bad. (edit) I forgot to say "Don't drink and drive children"
  7. I found a great way to make it...
  8. I am trying to make another one right now
  9. This drawing was inspired by another minecraft shaders picture.
  10. You see.... that there..... Is beyond my abilities.
  11. I need the names of the ranks please.
  12. ChilkinsJr


    Lmao, I was looking through my firewall blocks and I saw an IP like mine, Then I spent 15 minutes looking to find where it was and i saw it was me...
  13. ChilkinsJr


    You think i didnt?
  14. ChilkinsJr


    I'm not complaining bc I really don't care. I use forums.
  15. ChilkinsJr


    Well, funny you asked.... I was banned for 999 years for dm advertising... (false) I wont get into detail but it was becuase I dmed on of my friends that rlly wasnt my friend and kinda hates me. (I think)
  16. ChilkinsJr


    I guess minehut discord server is not for me lol.
  17. Lmao. How do you know you 'almost' got [JR.MOD] ?
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