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Everything posted by SnowmanCreepr

  1. K, ill try that tommorow, ill let you know if i find anything as im not good with permissions
  2. So, i made 3 NPCS, they should teleport you to different rooms, they all worked great but the problem was that non-opped players couldnt use it, nothing happens, doesnt teleport the player, Also, i got 2 talking NPCs and they talk normally, 2 problems, they dont speak to players and last time when it spoke to a dif person, it showed me. Anyway to fix these?
  3. Thanks! i need alot to learn..
  4. So, im trying to make people teleport with npcs to minigames, but i cant because idk how i could put a command on it, so i installed the Citizens CMD, i done tutorials, which were 1 or 3 years ago and they are not working today, there i /npc cmd but whenever i do it and right click on the slime, it doesnt teleport me, any help?
  5. ik that, but when a player *not an op* pressed the button that was on the command block, it didnt work, i could do it but the players couldnt
  6. So, i was makign a server, Claimed by world edit and world guard, i can use the command blocks to do stuff but non-op players cant use it to tp or anything in the command block, any help to fix this?
  7. i have the same problem, i tried that with spawn but it didnt work as the command doesnt exist
  8. Is there a way to make a noteblok soundtrack in minecraft and make it so whever a player goes the soundtrack is heard? *not in recource packs*
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