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Everything posted by Cerial_Killer

  1. Well, here you go # Auto broadcast skript! # Made by Cerial options: # The interval between each broadcast (in minutes) broadcast.interval: 3 # The amount of auto-broadcasts you are going to have broadcast.amount: 5 # Select if you want to use your own broadcast command or the built in broadcast system. # Set it to "none" if you don't want it to use a command. # If you want to use a command, then type "command: /yourcommandhere" # Note that it will execute commands using console, if you set a command. broadcast.method: "none" # Total interval calculator on load: set {totalInterval} to {@broadcast.amount} * {@broadcast.interval} set {bcAmount} to {@broadcast.amount} set {bcInterval} to {@broadcast.interval} set {bcMethod} to {@broadcast.method} # Broadcast number setter on skript load: set {broadcastNum} to 0 # Lines setter command /setline <number> <string>: permission: abc.setline trigger: # A checker to see if the player entered a bigger number than the amount set if arg 1 > {bcAmount}: send "&c%arg 1% is bigger than the maximum amounts of broadcasts! (%{bcAmount}%)" stop # If the number is not bigger than the number set else: set {bcMessage::%arg 1%} to arg 2 send "&aSet broadcast message for broadcast ##%arg 1% to %arg 2%." stop # The autobroadcaster #!------------------------------------------ #!---------DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING----------- #!------------FROM THIS POINT--------------- #!----UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING----- #!------------------------------------------ every {totalInterval} minutes: # I will add 1 to the broadcast number add 1 to {broadcastNum} # I will make sure the broadcast number is not above the maximum amount if {broadcastNum} >= {@broadcast.amount}: set {broadcastNum} to 0 # If the number is not above the number set, this code should run. # The code should run even when the number is set back to 0. if {bcMethod} contains "command: ": set {_bcm} to {bcMethod} replace all "command: " in {_bcm} with "" console command "%{_bcm}% %{bcMessage::%{broadcastNum}%}%" stop if {bcMethod} = "none": send "&7[&6AutoBroadcast&7] &6%{bcMessage::%{broadcastNum}%}%" to all players stop
  2. give me ideas to add to my prison server i currently have a grappling hook so suggest stuff below
  3. also you can literally download the latest version to your server because of unleased lol
  4. skript your own discord to minecraft and vice versa
  5. just download the god dang plugin and upload it is it that hard?
  6. huh... it shouldnt block the download? welp ig you can copy paste the skript
  7. pretty much its a skript which can open google to whoever is lazy to click on that shiny button! you can copy the skript from here or download it: command /lazyass: trigger: send "<tooltip:click this if ur a lazy ass><link:https://google.com>here u go lazy ass<reset>" hyper.sk
  8. Oh, i didnt look at that lol.
  9. SkEmail is a skript addon which lets you send emails from Skript using Gmail! This would be really helpful for support emails, and other stuff. Link: https://forums.skunity.com/resources/skemail.673/
  10. its not a server, its a world, but nice skript.
  11. Do you want an exact replica or you just want to know how to make a scoreboard?
  12. You don't have to make 2 separate commands for an alias, you can add this to your code: command /test: aliases: /an, /alias trigger: # put stuff in here
  13. Here is a skript I made 1 year ago! BUT I have been improved at skripting since then and now it is way more functional! It is very simple; doesn't require any addons The file is below: And here is the code here: # Prefix Skript # Version 2.0 # Made by Cerial_Killer (or xCerialPvP_ but cant change name >:[) # Has some fixes, hope you will enjoy :) options: prefix: &8[&3Pre&bfix&8] defaultPrefix: "&7[Default]" # The default prefix, obv. variables: {prefix::%player%} = "&7[Default]" on load: loop all players: if {prefix::%loop-player's uuid%} is not set: set {prefix::%loop-player's uuid%} to {@defaultPrefix} command /prefix [<text>] [<text>]: #permission: prefix.use #If you want to have a permission node remove the # #permission message: &cSorry, but you do not have permission to execute this command. usage: &ePlease do &6/prefix help &efor commands. trigger: if arg 1 is "help": send "{@prefix} &eCommands:" send "&8&m " send "&3- &b/prefix help &7| &fDisplays this message." send "&3- &b/prefix set <prefix> &7| &fSets your prefix." send "&3- &b/prefix reset &7| &fResets your prefix." send "&8&m " if arg 1 is "set": if arg 2 is set: if arg 2 contains "&k": send "{@prefix} &cYour prefix cannot have scribbles in it." stop else: set {prefix::%player's uuid%} to colored arg 2 send "{@prefix} &aYour prefix is now &3%colored arg 2%&a." stop else: send "{@prefix} &cPlease set a prefix." stop if arg 1 is "reset": set {prefix::%player's uuid%} to {@defaultPrefix} send "{@prefix} &aYour prefix has been reset." stop on chat: set the chat format to "%{prefix::%player's uuid%}% %player's display name%&7: &f%message%" prefix.sk
  14. This skript is 100% free to use, no need to credit me! The available commands are: - /prefix set <prefix> - Sets the player's prefix - /prefix on - Toggles the prefix on - /prefix off - Toggles the prefix off command /prefix [<text>] [<text>]: permission: prefix.use permission message: &cYou need &8[&bJesus&6+&8] &cto execute this! trigger: if arg 1 is "set": if arg 2 is set: if arg 2 contains "&k": send "&8[&bPrefix&8] &bYour prefix contains an &3& k! &bPlease use another prefix!" else: set {prefix.%player%} to colored arg 2 set {prefixtoggled.%player%} to true send "&8[&bPrefix&8] &bYou have set your prefix to: %colored arg 2%&b!" if arg 1 is "on": if {prefixtoggled.%player%} is false: set {prefixtoggled.%player%} to true send "&8[&bPrefix&8] &bYou have enabled your prefix successfully!" else: send "&8[&bPrefix&8] &cThe prefix is already enabled!" if arg 1 is "off": if {prefixtoggled.%player%} is true: set {prefixtoggled.%player%} to false send "&8[&bPrefix&8] &bYou have disabled your prefix successfully!" else: send "&8[&bPrefix&8] &cThe prefix is already disabled!" on chat: if {prefix.%player%} is set: if {prefixtoggled.%player%} is true: cancel event send "{prefix.%player%} %player%&7: &f%message%" to all players else: stop else: stop
  15. Do you want to change your Incompatible version message? Well, you can do it! This is version 0.1 of my skript! I will keep updating it every new version Minehut supports on PC! invalidversion.sk
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