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Everything posted by Bonnie20402

  1. You can add the plugin by yourself as there is custom plugin support now.
  2. Maybe not 5 million servers but at least the must popular ones that clearly break the EULA. And just give a featured spot for those that want to innovate and make something new. Some sort of verify system. Like when they tried to promote original servers via the featured page, something like that is what I mean.
  3. I see a lot of minehut staff so worried about under 13 people on their discord server. They are right, it is against discord's terms of service. But what about the thing that ACTUALLY MATTERS (or should, at least) - the game's EULA. Why do you guys allow disrespecting mojang's eula on minehut? I see, it's their server, it's their responsability if they disrespect the EULA, not yours right? That's just bs - therefore I have a suggestion that will must likely be ignored: You know, on the server browser, you show the must "popular" minehut servers right? What if the must popular, non-EULA breaking servers, could be in the first line. Just the first line. This could promote (actual original) and fair play competitve servers. My point in here is to promote the small (or big) servers thar don't break EULA on minehut. You could make some sort of blacklist for the servers that are against the mojang's EULA - managed by staff (they could not be on the first line) I'd like to see minehut enforcing mc's eula in some way.
  4. Why most people do: every second: loop all players: if loop-player is online: # Because you know even though im looping every online player already they may not be online, who knows :thinking: # do stuff While you can just do: on join: while player is online: wait <yourdelay> seconds #do your stuff Like it's way cleaner
  5. no you can totally see this is the must advanced, optimized and efficient playtime skript in earth. People often forget what while means and love looping all players in every second Lovely
  6. King Of The Hill seems interesting And by city do you mean city roleplay? Like getting a job, robbing a bank, being a cop, etc?
  7. I want original server ideas, anyone has any to share? You know something that could grow on minehut that is not farming aka the laziest and must useless gamemode ever (kids love staring at their farms 24/7 to get $5 in the end of the month so what can we do?) Something original.
  8. This is a very good plugin for making any minigame that contains physics. Its a great engine BlockBall [Minigame|BungeeCord|Soccer/Football|1.8-1.16] | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft Please add it! Thanks in advance!
  9. You just helped me a lot dude
  10. Hello people, i'd like to know some good server on minehut, because all i see on the top server list are some cash grab, pay 2 win "farming" servers or "clicking" servers. Are there any actual original servers on minehut? Thanks in advance!
  11. I think they won't add it I could create lots of minigames with it tho
  12. I'd like this plugin to be added if possible https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/rollbackcore-1-4-7-1-12-1.18517/ Its a great plugin to allow world rollback and works with skript as well Thanks in advance!
  13. The is a few things you should update in my opinion 1.If the server restarts while a player is muted, rip 2.Doing console commands when its not necessary. Expressions like give gold ore to player exist. 3. abc?. Functions exist, you know. Still great skript , tho. If you fix these stuff it'd look even better!
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