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Everything posted by Smiley_Guy_

  2. Hi! So i was wondering how. Do i show a prefix. Do i need a plugin?
  3. # json.sk by RezzedUp # --- # Version: 2.3 # Requires: Skript 2.2 # --- # Contributors: # - RezzedUp # - JKGamerxD # # General usage: # # ==> json(<recipient>, <text in json.sk format>, <OPTIONAL: whether or not to convert color codes>) :: returns nothing # # This function handles everything you could ever need regarding json. # Everything is automatic with it, you just need to provide the proper json.sk notatation and someone to recieve the message! # # --> example #1: # set {_to} to "@a" # set {_msg} to "&6Hello, this is a &ejson message&6!||ttp:&b&oSuper duper cool!||cmd:/msg RezzedUp You rock!!!!" # json({_to}, {_msg}) # # --> example #2: v [NEW] # json("%player%", "&6:D||&5Neat", false) # ^ # json.sk won't convert color codes if set to false. # If no value is set, it will convert color codes by default. # # ==> jsonFormat(<text in json.sk format>) :: returns text # # The purpose of this function is to return the formatted peice of json for your own use. # You can set up your own /tellraw with it # # --> example: # set {_toBeJson} to "I will return a json!||ttp:It's true!" # set {_jsonText} to jsonFormat({_toBeJson}) # execute console command "/tellraw myUserName %{_jsonText}%" # # # JSON.SK NOTATION: # --> How to create json's! # # <always start with normal text>||<3 letter tag>:<text>||<regular text, new json cluster> # ^ # "||" separates each segment. # # json.sk notation follows these rules: # 1. A cluster of json is formed at each regular text segment. # 2. There may be only one hoverable and one clickable event per cluster, otherwise things could get messy. # 3. Json effects are defined by a 3 letter tag at the very start of a segment, followed directly by a colon. # 4. "||" should only ever be used to separate each json segment. # # Json Effect Tags: # ttp: # --> Tooltip, hover event # cmd: # --> Run command, click event # sgt: # --> Suggest command, click event # url: # --> Open url, click event # ins: # --> Adds an "insertion", shift + click event # | For more information about the "insertion" attribute, visit # | http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-discussion/redstone-discussion-and/351959#insertion # # Example json.sk notation: # # # "Hello, this is a sample json.||ttp:&bI'm a tooltip for the first cluster.||There's no tag, so I've started a new cluster.||cmd:/ping" # |_______________________________________________________________________| |_______________________________________________________| # | | # JSON Cluster #1 JSON Cluster #2 # # # The above json.sk notation purely as their segment types: # # "< regular text >||<ttp: tooltip >||< regular text, starting a new cluster >||<cmd:/command>" options: debug: false codes: 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|a|b|c|d|e|f|k|l|m|n|o|r # # FUNCTION: Remove all `&` color codes. # -> Usage: # Geneal purpose function to remove color codes. # This function will not remove color codes already converted. # function removeColor(msg: text) :: text: set {_m::*} to {_msg} split at "" set {_color-codes} to "{@codes}" set {_colors::*} to {_color-codes} split at "|" set {_new} to "" loop {_m::*}: set {_char} to loop-value set {_prev} to the last character of {_new} if {_prev} is "&": loop {_colors::*}: if loop-value-2 is {_char}: set {_skip} to true if {_skip} is set: delete {_skip} else: set {_new} to "%{_new}%%{_char}%" return {_new} # # FUNCTION: Replace all `&` color codes with valid JSON color codes. # -> Usage: # Used by json functions to convert color codes. # function jsonColorize(msg: text, default-color: text = "&r") :: text: set {_m::*} to {_msg} split at "" set {_color-codes} to "{@codes}" set {_colors::*} to {_color-codes} split at "|" set {_color} to colored {_default-color} set {_code} to the first character of {_color} set {_new} to "" set {_skip} to 0 loop amount of {_m::*} times: if {_skip} is more than or equal to 1: subtract 1 from {_skip} else: set {_char} to {_m::%loop-number%} set {_next} to {_m::%loop-number + 1%} if {@debug} is true: broadcast "&a[Character Check] &r%loop-number%: &7%{_char}% &r&onext: &8%{_next}% &r[%{_color}%color&r]" if {_char} is "&" or {_code}: if {@debug} is true: broadcast "&a[Color Check] &rFOUND: &o%{_char}%%{_next}% &7&m<--&7&o is it valid?" loop {_colors::*}: if loop-value-2 is {_next}: set {_color} to "%{_color}%%{_code}%%{_next}%" if {_next} is "r": set {_color} to {_default-color} set {_new} to "%{_new}%%{_color}%" set {_skip} to 1 if {_skip} is less than or equal to 0: set {_new} to "%{_new}%%{_char}%" else if {_char} is " ": set {_new} to "%{_new}% %{_color}%" else: set {_new} to "%{_new}%%{_char}%" return {_new} # # FUNCTION: Replace all json-breaking characters. # -> Usage: # Used by json functions to avoid errors. # Allows usage of quotes and back-slashes in your json. # function jsonSanitize(msg: text) :: text: if {@debug} is true: broadcast "&a[Sanitize] &7&oSanitizing input..." set {_m::*} to {_msg} split at "" loop {_m::*}: if loop-value is """": set {_m::%loop-index%} to "\""" # """ else if loop-value is "\": set {_m::%loop-index%} to "\\" set {_new} to join {_m::*} with "" return {_new} # # FUNCTION: Generate a new /tellraw json object from a json.sk-notation string. # -> Usage: # See the top of this skript, listed under general usage. # function jsonFormat(msg: text, color: boolean = true) :: text: set {_m::*} to {_msg} split at "||" set {_current} to 1 loop {_m::*}: if {_clusters::%{_current}%} is not set: set {_clusters::%{_current}%} to "" if {_clusters::%{_current}%::text} is not set: set {_clusters::%{_current}%::text} to jsonSanitize(loop-value) else: set {_tag} to the first 4 characters of loop-value set {_value} to subtext of loop-value from characters 5 to the length of loop-value if {_tag} is "ttp:": set {_clusters::%{_current}%::tooltip} to jsonSanitize({_value}) else if {_tag} is "cmd:": set {_clusters::%{_current}%::command} to jsonSanitize({_value}) else if {_tag} is "sgt:": set {_clusters::%{_current}%::suggest} to jsonSanitize({_value}) else if {_tag} is "url:": if {_value} doesn't contain "http://" or "https://": set {_value} to "http://%{_value}%" set {_clusters::%{_current}%::url} to jsonSanitize({_value}) else if {_tag} is "ins:": set {_clusters::%{_current}%::insertion} to jsonSanitize({_value}) else: add 1 to {_current} set {_clusters::%{_current}%::text} to jsonSanitize(loop-value) set {_clusters::%{_current}%} to "" if {@debug} is true: broadcast "&a[Tag Check] &3cluster:&b%{_current}% &8(&f&o%{_tag}%&8)" loop {_clusters::*}: if {@debug} is true: broadcast "&a[Cluster Check] &7&oCluster ##%loop-index% exists." set {_i} to loop-index set {_text} to {_clusters::%{_i}%::text} if {_color} is true: set {_text} to jsonColorize({_text}) if {_json} is not set: set {_json} to "{""text"":""%{_text}%""" else: set {_json} to "%{_json}%,{""text"":""%{_text}%""" if {_clusters::%{_i}%::tooltip} is set: if {_color} is true: set {_tooltip} to jsonColorize({_clusters::%{_i}%::tooltip}) else: set {_tooltip} to {_clusters::%{_i}%::tooltip} set {_json} to "%{_json}%,""hoverEvent"":{""action"": ""show_text"",""value"": ""%{_tooltip}%""}" if {_clusters::%{_i}%::insertion} is set: set {_json} to "%{_json}%,""insertion"":""%{_clusters::%{_i}%::insertion}%"",""obfuscated"":false" if {_clusters::%{_i}%::command} is set: set {_clickable} to "%{_json}%,""clickEvent"":{""action"":""run_command"",""value"":""%{_clusters::%{_i}%::command}%""}" if {_clusters::%{_i}%::suggest} is set: set {_clickable} to "%{_json}%,""clickEvent"":{""action"": ""suggest_command"",""value"": ""%{_clusters::%{_i}%::suggest}%""}" if {_clusters::%{_i}%::url} is set: set {_clickable} to "%{_json}%,""clickEvent"":{""action"": ""open_url"",""value"": ""%{_clusters::%{_i}%::url}%""}" if {_clickable} is set: set {_json} to "%{_clickable}%}" delete {_clickable} else: set {_json} to "%{_json}%}" return "{""text"":"""", ""extra"":[%{_json}%]}" # # FUNCTION: Send a json message with json.sk-notation. # -> Usage: # See the top of this skript, listed under general usage. # function json(to: text, msg: text, color: boolean = true): set {_msg} to jsonFormat({_msg}, {_color}) execute console command "/tellraw %{_to}% %{_msg}%" if {@debug} is true: set {_player} to {_to} parsed as offline player if {_player} is online: send uncolored {_msg} to {_player} # # FUNCTION: Broadcast a json message with json.sk-notation. # function jsonBroadcast(msg: text, color: boolean = true): json("@a", {_msg}, {_color}) # # COMMAND: A command to show that these json functions really work! # -> Usage: # /json recipient <text in json.sk notation> # It's just a test command, not in best practice to use this instead of the json function. # command /json [<text>] [<text>]: permission: "is.op" trigger: set {_to} to arg 1 set {_msg} to arg 2 if arg 1 is not set: set {_to} to "%player%" if arg 2 is not set: set {_msg} to "This is a json message! &c&oClick here for no reason!||ttp:&lReally, click your mouse!||cmd:/json @a %{_to}% clicked their mouse on json..." json({_to}, {_msg})
  4. I know it wouldn't work on my server though
  5. Skrayfall or Skellet i think
  6. By the way are you Tuberkens of Idler?
  7. I know it's just standard it's changeable
  8. Dude im not stop hating dumbass
  9. It's my script... I literally have just made i-
  10. I was just sending all my scripts
  11. Make sure to make a world with multiverse named Skyblock Best way to make one is with voidGenerator plugin
  12. I will try my best to make any scripts needed!
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