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  1. hi yeah i would like a skript that, upon someone attempting to eat a golden apple, it gets eaten instantly, its probably an easy skript but i cant figure it out
  2. I have skript (obv) and SkRayfall and i was updating a kitpvp skript from a random spigot post, i dont get any errors when im reloading it but when it actually runs i just get chat spam of "An internal error occurred when trying to execute this command." due to the "every 2 seconds:", after going through the code ive narrowed it down to the "command /score:" but im still very confused and would appreciate any help recieved options: #! MESSAGES Kill_Message: &b&l$+1.5 &7and &a&l+15 EXP &7for killing &e%victim% Death_Message: &e%victim% &7was killed by &e%attacker% #! SCOREBOARD - ACTIONBAR Title: &8[&3&lSodexPvP&8] Update_Time: 2 # <-- IN SECONDS Scoreboard_Permission: skript.kitpvp.scoreboard #! KITPVP KitPvP_Prefix: &b[KITPVP] Reset_Kills_Permission: skript.kitpvp.reset.kills Reset_Kills_Message: You have cleared %arg-3%'s kills. Reset_Kills_No_Permission: You don't have permission to use this command. Reset_Deaths_Permission: skript.kitpvp.reset.deaths Reset_Deaths_Message: You have cleared %arg-3%'s deaths. Reset_Deaths_No_Permission: You don't have permission to use this command. Reload_Permission: skript.kitpvp.reload Reload_Message: KitPvP Skript succesfully loaded Reload_No_Permission: You don't have permission to use this command. #! DO NOT EDIT DOWN HERE on load: send "&8[&3&LSodexPvP&8] &7Successfully loaded." to all players on death: if victim is a player: if attacker is a player: add 1 to {deaths.kitpvp::%uuid of victim%} add 1 to {kills.kitpvp::%uuid of attacker%} send "{@Kill_Message}" to attacker set the death message to "{@Death_Message}" command /score: trigger: if player has permission "{@Scoreboard_Permission}": wipe player's sidebar set name of sidebar of player to "{@Title}" set score "&r&r&r" in sidebar of player to 11 set score "&bKills" in sidebar of player to 10 set score "&f%{kills.kitpvp::%uuid of player%}%" in sidebar of player to 9 set score "&r&r" in sidebar of player to 8 set score "&bDeaths" in sidebar of player to 7 set score "&b&f%{deaths.kitpvp::%uuid of player%}%" in sidebar of player to 6 set score "&r" in sidebar of player to 5 set score "&bIP" in sidebar of player to 4 set score "&3SodexPvP.minehut.gg | SodexSMP.minehut.gg" in sidebar of player to 3 every {@Update_Time} seconds: loop all players: make loop-player execute "/score" on join: if {kills.kitpvp::%uuid of player%} is not set: set {kills.kitpvp::%uuid of player%} to 0 if {deaths.kitpvp::%uuid of player%} is not set: set {deaths.kitpvp::%uuid of player%} to 0 command /kitpvp [<text>] [<text>] [<offline player>]: trigger: if arg 1 is "reset": if player has permission "{@Reset_Kills_Permission}": if arg 2 is "kills": if arg 3 is set: send "{@KitPvP_Prefix} {@Reset_Kills_Message}" set {kills.kitpvp::%uuid of arg-3%} to 0 else: if player has permission "{@Reset_Deaths_Permission}": if arg 2 is "deaths": if arg 3 is set: send "{@KitPvP_Prefix} {@Reset_Deaths_Message}" set {deaths.kitpvp::%uuid of arg-3%} to 0 else: send "{@KitPvP_Prefix} {@Reset_Deaths_No_Permission}" else: send "{@KitPvP_Prefix} {@Reset_Kills_No_Permission}" else if arg 1 is "reload": if player has permission "{@Reload_Permission}": make console execute command "sk reload kitpvp" send "{@KitPvP_Prefix} {@Reload_Message}" else: send "{@KitPvP_Prefix} {@Reload_No_Permission}"
  3. yeah surprisingly i got back into skript and figured it out, my current skript as it stands is: the "else if execute is console:" bit is because when sending messages from console the sender would appear as "none" but that solved it on load: send "&8[&3&lSodexMessaging&8] &7Successfully loaded." to all players command /smsg <player> <text>: aliases: /sodexmsg usage: &8[&b&lSodexMessaging&8] &3/smsg <player> <text> trigger: if arg-1 = player: send "&8[&3&lSodexMessaging&8] &c You can't send messages to youself, silly!" to player else if executor is console: send "&8[&3&lSodexMessaging&8] &bConsole &3>> &b%arg-2%" to arg-1 else: send "&8[&3&lSodexMessaging&8] &b%player% &3>> &b%arg-2%" to arg-1
  4. command /smsg <player> <text>: aliases: /smsg usage: &8[&b&lSodexMsg&8] &3/smsg <player> <text> trigger: if arg-1 and player are equal: send "&8[&3&lSodexMessaging&8] &c You can't send messages to youself, silly!" to player else: send "&8[&3&lSodexMessaging&8] &f%player% messaged you: %arg-2%" to arg-1 Ok so basically I just want to know what i need to insert in "if arg-1 and player are equal" for equal because whatever i try doesn't work so thats pretty much all i need
  5. Thanks, I'm 100% gonna study this so i can figure out what the hell I'm doing.
  6. I am pretty new to skripting and i know kinda what im doing with commands but I've never been able to figure this one out; The commands I'm trying to get are; /forcechat [player] [message] and /forcechatall [message] I feel as though the parameters are pretty self explanitory but in case you dont get it, /forcechatall would force everyone to say the message inputted in the "[messsage]" field, and /forcechat would make the player entered in the "[player]" field say the message in the "[message]" field.
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