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Everything posted by 91919

  1. Good job getting staff to all the new people.
  2. 91919


    1. This goes in the suggestions section, the link to it is here https://forums.minehut.com/forum/21-features/ 2. I'm not associated with Minehut and I have no idea what they'll add but I'm 91.9% sure they won't let us upload custom plugins.
  3. I agree with this to my utmost capacity
  4. Do you want the skript, or help with the skript. If you want help, send your current skript and I can help, if you need somebody to make one for you I suggest you go to the marketplace
  5. 91919


    Here's something I'd do It's mostly accurate, shouldn't show any CPS higher than the player's actual CPS, isn't 100% accurate though. Try it out, if it doesn't work, then try editing it and see what happens on join: while player is online: set {cps::%player's uuid%} to floor({clicks::%player's uuid%}/3) set {clicks::%player's uuid%} to 0 set tab list name of player to "%player% &7| &a%{cps::%player's uuid%}%&a CPS" wait 3 seconds on click: set {clicks::%player's uuid%} to 0 if {clicks::%player's uuid%} is not set add 1 to {clicks::%player's uuid%} command /cps: trigger: send "&7Your CPS is: &l%{cps::%player's uuid%}%" If you don't want to be spoonfed, I'd say just make it so each time they click it adds to a variable and every x seconds it sets the cps to the clicks/x
  6. First thing, add Support stereotypes or ban, second thing the pro stereotype is so true
  7. That's a big rip. My most popular post (probably for the rest of time) is now locked. Had a good run, 11th top replied post, and almost 1st page for most views. Sorry if it caused drama (to xMuel, not anybody else)

  8. If you're talking about me, and banned from Valknet. Then they banned me from it because of this forum post.
  9. Sounds pretty epic to me. More updates to come
  10. I never intended this to be drama, I was just stating what how my experience was as a staff member on Valknet and partially why I decided to resign from it.
  11. Welcome to Minehut. Have fun making servers, or playing them (If you're new to MH as a whole) There's a lot of cool stuff you can make/find here, or on the server itself. Some would include: Friends, Opportunities to work on big MH servers, Chance to be staff on plenty cool servers, and lots more
  12. Your server will be up and open to everybody on Minehut as long as there's at least 1 person on it. If there's not it'll automatically shut down after ~5 minutes
  13. Well guys, I'm adding a new update to the doc right now. It may be a little "dramatic" but I hope you all will understand when given context.
  14. Read this. I wrote it before this so it may not make sense, if you want more parts just reply kthx bye https://docs.google.com/document/d/12AAS3iXG8UTak0Zj4jIw34-rRQ9fHjX-kaQyUGfaAHE/edit?usp=sharing New latest update for the document (11/16/19). The section is on the outline part so just click to skip through the text. Thanks for reading hope this won't get locked ;w;
  15. Yea Spud is pretty cool, I talk to them a lot in discord dms and they seem pretty chill
  16. Basically all servers eventually die out, it will die out again like it has before. If you've played it you'd know since it's basically just afking 24/7 with no real content in it. I'm not trying to diss Lift though, if you enjoy it don't let me change your mind.
  17. Mine also sucks a lot but it's getting better gradually, I personally thought football would be fun but never wanted to play it. Soccer I tried to play a while ago when I was super small but that stopped also. In basketball, like soccer, I'm better at defense in my opinion, if I do get the ball I just pass to my teammate, and most the times games are a mess since we just pick teams outside.
  18. Tasty plugins I'll never use (I use like W/e, W/g, Skript (w/ addons), void gen, citizens, and multiverse mainly). Glad they'll help everyone though
  19. 91919


    *puts on big, white sheet* Boo! I scared you. That's what I'm going to do. I won't trick or treat though since it got a bit stale, you know? Other than the joke at the beginning I don't know what I'll be doing this year.
  20. Thanks for the warm welcome
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