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Everything posted by kjh

  1. kjh

    Free script

    i have a better idea now, what about an auto builder. that would be so cool and make me not have to ahyve a builder
  2. its so sad that ur selling skripts thAT SOMEONE ELSE IS SELLING FOR CHEAPER
  3. kjh

    Farming Server!

    this isnt for advertising, but i think ill be a great staff member. i just have to get builders for my server and i will be an active staff member on the server
  4. kjh

    Free script

    use luckperms for the permissions
  5. kjh

    Free script

    rankup gui and /rankup, luckperms compatible
  6. PvP to other players or bosses? u need to player vs player to players and bosses rnt players, this doesnt make any sense
  7. y do i need to be in Europe, im in england and stay up unti;l 10 and y gmail, discord is way easier to use and we cant do staff applications through gmail
  8. im not good with skript so i get them off of spigotmc, i do not take any credit from this skript, im not 100% sure if this works tho #Skriptet er lavet af Deads/SebberJ. #Det er ikke tilladt at udgive skriptet. #Du må godt ændre commands. #Du må også godt ændre items. #Tempban beskeder options: BSlot 4: Hack er IKKE tilladt! BSlot 6: Hack er IKKE tilladt! BSlot 8: Du må IKKE udnytte bugs! #Tempban tider s=Sekunder m=Minutter h=Timer d=Dage TSlot 4: 30 m TSlot 6: 2 h TSlot 8: 30 m #Kick Beskeder KSlot 12: Du må IKKE bruge hacks! KSlot 14: Stop med at spamme! #Mute tider s=Sekunder m=Minutter h=Timer d=Dage MSlot 20: 10 m MSlot 22: 15 m MSlot 24: 25 m MSlot 26: 10 m command /bgui [<player>]: permission: bgui.use permission message: "&8[&cBan Gui&8]&4 Du har ikke tilladelse til at bruge denne kommando!" trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "%arg-1%" to player wait 1 tick format slot 0 of player with arg-1's skull named "&a%arg-1%" to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with diamond sword named "&4&lPermban" to close then run [execute console command "ban %arg-1%"] format slot 4 of player with iron sword named "&c&lTempban: {@TSlot 4} Hack" to close then run [execute console command "tempban %arg-1% 30 m {@BSlot 4}"] format slot 6 of player with gold sword named "&c&lTempban: {@TSlot 6} Groft hack" to close then run [execute console command "tempban %arg-1% 2 h {@BSlot 6}"] format slot 8 of player with wood sword named "&c&lTempban: {@TSlot 8} Bugs" to close then run [execute console command "tempban %arg-1% 30 m {@BSlot 8}"] format slot 12 of player with bow named "&6&lKick: Hack" to close then run [execute console command "kick %arg-1% {@KSlot 12}"] format slot 14 of player with arrow named "&6&lKick: Spam" to close then run [execute console command "kick %arg-1% {@KSlot 14}"] format slot 20 of player with diamond axe named "&a&lMute: 10 m Spam" to close then run [execute console command "mute %arg-1% 10 m"] format slot 22 of player with iron axe named "&a&lMute: 15 m Grimt sprog" to close then run [execute console command "mute %arg-1% 15 m"] format slot 24 of player with gold axe named "&a&lMute: 25 m Trusler" to close then run [execute console command "mute %arg-1% 25 m"] format slot 26 of player with wood axe named "&a&lMute: 10 m Flabet" to close then run [execute console command "mute %arg-1% 10 m"]
  9. i was looking as well but just to send a skript for this post, essentials has /tempban and /mute /tempban <player> [duration] [reason] /mute <player> [duration] [reason] required plugins: essentials no skript needed : )
  10. im not the best at building but i have built a kitpvp spawn, it isnt that good but its decent. u dint need a good spawn for kitpvp the red wool is there cause its at the barrier and the red concrete powder is where u cant pvp, i wont put it there if u dont want
  11. this is a scam, he needs to accept ur friend request to dm him and he hasnt been online to do it so yea, just go somewhere else for a builder cause ur not ganna be able to dm him, unless u accept my friend request u wont be building for me
  12. hello @KitKatGoSnap i have added u on discored, i would love to whitelist u and let u build on my server while i do the skripts, editing pre made skripts the server issnt that professional tho btw u need to accept my friend request cause i cant dm u at the moment
  13. kjh

    i need help with spawning

    ive found out thst u use essentiuals spawn
  14. hello my name is BLOOD and i am currently developing season 2 for a server, it was originally far4mng sevrer but now i wanty it to be more than that, so i need a hub for tyhat. u will spawn in the farming server but i will tp u to the hub world, i u wanna build for me dm me on disc orx, BLOOD_MOON_1#0507 sry for5t the trash spelling i try to tpye fast but fail
  15. Necroposting, or replying on posts that haven’t been replied to in over a month is not allowed, unless the post is still relevant such as an active giveaway or a tutorial post its a tutorial : ) how do i display balance on this scoreboard. but fixed so it doesnt display 1.99999999999.
  16. you can use luckperms and add perms that you want them to use there are other plugins but luckperms is the easiest to use
  17. /whitelist on /whitelist add (ur friend) congrats only u and ur friend can join if u put it in. u need to be opped or type it in console and no one els can join only u and ur friend the reason this happened is cause of /join. when someone uses it, it starts the server. even when its hibernating, whitelist prevents that. i hope this helped u do need a backup for a rollback tho
  18. im getting a rly wierd issue. after a crash i couldnt use any of the vault_eco_balances they just dont work. i didnt want 1.999999999 as my bal so i chose %vault_eco_balance_fixed% as soon as i remove it my scoreboard is normal but when i add it it breaks
  19. its good and all but u cant have multiple broadcasts. it just doesnt work, its rly hard to get the right timing for each autobc to broadcast 2 minuets after the last one. in my case 3 broadcasts
  20. how is that gonna work on a farming server
  21. kjh

    i need help with spawning

    but what would the world be called for the PlotSquared plugin
  22. kjh

    i need help with spawning

    is there like a custom script that makes people spawn wherever u set the spawn cause i have 2 worlds. the normal world and the plotsquared world. the players spawn in the normal world and i want them to spawn in the plotsquared world. anyone know how to do this
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