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  1. I didn't totally get the syntax of ifs and elses, but I hope I made it a bit better. Also, enjoy the spoonfeed. command /island [<text>]: usage: &c/is create/home trigger: if arg-1 is "create": if {island::%player's uuid%} is not set: execute console command "/mv clone Skyisland %player's uuid%" send action bar "&7(&c&l!&7) &eIsland Generating &7(&c&l!&7)" to player wait 2.5 seconds execute console command "/mvtp %player% %player's uuid%" set {island::%player's uuid%} to true else: if {island::%player's uuid%} is set: execute console command "/mvtp %player% %player's uuid%" send formatted "&cYou already have an island." to player else: if arg-1 is "home": execute console command "/mvtp %player% %player's uuid%" if {island::%player's uuid%} is not set: send "&c&lERROR &7| &bYou need to create a island first." to player else: else: if arg-1 is "delete": if {island::%player's uuid%} is set: set {deletion::%player's uuid%} to true send "&e&ISLAND &7| &bType &aconfirm &bin chat to confirm your island deletion." to player on chat: if message contains "confirm": if {deletion::%player's uuid%} is set: cancel event delete {deletion::%player's uuid%} teleport player to {spawn} wait 2.5 seconds execute console command "/mv delete %player's uuid%" execute console command "/mv confirm" delete {island::%player's uuid%} send action bar "&7(&c&l!&7) &eIsland Deleted &7(&c&l!&7)" to player command /setspawn: permission: op trigger: set {spawn} to location of player command /spawn: trigger: teleport player to {spawn} 1bsb.sk
  2. horrible since the Minehut 1.16 update
  3. Our server needs Iridium to stay alive - if we don't have it, nobody will join. We got a wait from the authors for about 3-4 days, but I'm wondering if Minehut will update it when it releases. My IGN is SumWhatSteve, friends are Not_An_Xrayer, goldenDonut123, Deeposito, and Idin2008. We all play on SkySheep regularly, but since the 1.16 update, all plugins are broken on our server. Any help? Thanks, RookiePlayer
  4. Hello! I have a request for a plugin - Zenchants. It seems as you get plugins off of Spigot, but since I can't edit the Plugins folder, I have no way of installing Zenchants. Here is the link for the Zenchants plugin from SpigotMC (if it helps)
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