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Posts posted by SkHelper

  1.                                           SKHELP RELEASE

    This, is SkriptHelp.

    I have used my knowledge, to create a simple solution to get the Skript helps INGAME. A Skript example library(will be updated) and addon library to browse without going back and fourth in the Minehut websites. Get the live help from the Skript example library with a Chat browser to get access to information about coding in Skript, and that library will get constantly updated(Leave what you wanted to add in the library in reply section).

    Required plugins:



    SkQuery(Recommended but don't require)
    How to install:

    Download the file of skhelp.sk

    Open downloaded file and copy the entire file's code

    Open Minehut Website

    Go to File Manager

    Click on Plugins folder

    Click on Skript folder

    Click on Scripts folder

    Create a new file named "skhelp.sk"

    Put the copied code inside the text box

    Press save button

    Go to Minecraft, execute command /skript reload skhelp

    You're all set!


    Use command /skhelp for skript help GUI

    Permission of Usage:

    This is a skript code made by me, which is my intellectual property. You can use it for server development, but you can't sell this Skript for money.






  2. First what do you mean by coordinate is hidden, is it hidden when you trying to see it on F3? If it is under the circumstances of F3 can't show coordinates, try to check what's wrong with your Minecraft, check what client/mod you are using. If you are using vanilla, try to reinstall Minecraft.

  3. options:
        P: &7Server &8> &7
        perm: op 
    every 100 seconds:
        set {use.%uuid of player%} to 1
    command /help:
            open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "{@P}&3&lHELP" to player
            format gui slot 10 of player with diamond named "&e&lRULES" to close:
                send "{@P}&e&lRULES"
                send "&71.&fBe nice to other player in any enviroments."
                send "&72.&fDon't swear or use racial slurs."
                send "&73.&fPlease don't manipulate server bugs."
                send "&74.&fHave a nice tone in chat, don't send death threats ect."
                send "&75.&fListen to staff members instructions/rulings ect."
                send "&76.&fNever hack for any unfair advantages."
                send "&77.&fDupings and abusing exploits are not allowed."
                send "&78.&fSpamming, CAPPING, flooding are not allowed."
                send "&79.&fWe prohibit spam in our Discord/Teamspeak chat."
                send "&710.&fDirectly ask for staff wont work, join discord to apply."
            format gui slot 13 of player with book and quill named "&f&lHELP" to close:
                if {use.%uuid of player%} > 0:
                    set {use.%uuid of player%} to 0
                    set {help} to player's name
                    loop all players:
                        if loop-player have permission "{@perm}":
                            send "&a&lALERT &7%{help}% needs help!" to loop-player
                    send "{@P}You can only ask for help every 100 seconds."
            format gui slot 16 of player with gold ingot named "&b&lCOMMANDS" to close:
                send "{@P}&b&lCOMMANDS"
                send "&71.&f/[command 1]"
                send "&72.&f/[command 2]"
                send "&73.&f/[command 3]"
                send "&74.&f/[command 4]"
                send "&75.&f/[command 5]"
                send "&76.&f/[command 6]"
                send "&77.&f/[command 7]"
                send "&78.&f/[command 8]"
                send "&79.&f/[command 9]"
                send "&710.&f/[command 10]"
    on chat:
        if message contains "staff I need help":
            cancel event
            send "&2&lTIP &7Need help? Try to ask in /help!"
            if message contains "how to play":
                cancel event
                send "&2&lTIP &7Need help? Try to ask in /help!"
                if message contains "please help":
                    cancel event
                    send "&2&lTIP &7Need help? Try to ask in /help!"


  4. fun fact: first mlum never bothered you guys, in fact is their own words on their own discord server as a joke, second banned for no reason? mllum staff have proofs of owner of skyescape using more than 20 alts to get on server to spam n words, so no reason doesnt count, and 90% of the screenshot of staff being toxic is resigned like 3 months ago, and skyescape actually uses spam bot to spam racial discriminating words in mlum


  5. Hello! I never recommend using Vanilla Command Villagers because they're having some problems:

    1. Only 1 player can view the shop if they opened the shop menu

    2. Villager's Position could be changed due to any server bugs

    3. They're better solutions, example installing the plugin 'ShopKeeper' for custom shops and solve 2 problems above.

    If you really wanted to use Command Villagers you can try to generate one here with no bugs:


  6. Hello! Today I am announcing that I will make some medium Skript Deals, DM on discord for more information, if you want the Skript deal, reply ".Sk deals" and your discord, your Skript will be sorted out in a private way to protect the privacy of the code, try now! We have different plans, here is a list:


    Free Plan:

    Plugins allowed in .sk file:  Skript, SkQuery, TuSKe

    Maximum Skript lines: 350

    Purposes: Public Server Skript, Skript for friends to have fun

    Credit to me: INCLUDED

    Price Tag: FREE 0$!

    Reputation Plan:

    Plugins allowed in .sk file: Skript, SkQuery, TuSKe, SkRayfall, Skellet

    Maximum Skript Lines: 750

    Purposes: Public Server Skript, Skript for friends to have fun, Private Server Skript

    Credits to me:  NOT INCLUDED

    REQUIREMENTS: Good Reputation, Minehut VIP


    Plugins allowed in .sk file: All

    Maximum Skript Lines: 900

    Purposes: Public Server Skript, Skript for friends to have fun, Private Server Skript, Minehut Market Product Selling with credits of me making it, Selling Skript for $$$ for any purposes, must have my credits included.

    Credits to me:  NOT INCLUDED

    REQUIREMENTS: Donate me 10000000000$ on FastGens when new season is out as fast as you can lol do it

    • Confused 1
  7. Hello, I really think that you can go to SkUnity.com for all the needs you are going to have, if you have any .SK Questions come to ask me, don't ask me any questions for a big huge Skript error fix, I won't answer that type of things.

  8. Hello people, I have recently made a .SK for you, it is called SkHELP, it is an ingame Skript help and resource library(we need a lot more information to be stored in it!) And I am releasing it's V1.0.0 today, usages below:

    /skhelp for GUI contains Skripted Archive and built in Chat Search Engine!

    Compass Click for auto /skhelp execution!

    skhelp.sk code for configuration changes!



        {r}: {r.%uuid of player%}
        {p}: {p.%uuid of player%}
        {c}: {c.%uuid of player%}
        {rid}: {rid.%uuid of player%}
        P: &9&lSERVER &8> &7
    on first join:
        set {r.%uuid of player%} to false
        set {p.%uuid of player%} to false
        set {c.%uuid of player%} to false
        set {rid.%uuid of player%} to false
        set {search.%uuid of player%} to false
    command /skhelp:
            open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "{@P}&7Skripts" to player
            format gui slot 13 of player with shiny paper named "&f&lSKRIPT HELP" with lore "&7Our Archive may contains what you need!", and "&7If not, check skunity.com for extra helps!", and "&cWe don't have anything to do with SkUnity." to close:
                send action bar "&f&lPlease type down your search and send it in chat!" to player
                set {search.%uuid of player%} to true
    on chat:
        if {search.%uuid of player%} is true:
            cancel event
            set {search.%uuid of player%} to false
            set {result.%uuid of player%} to message
            if {result.%uuid of player%} contains "variable" or "vari" or "var" or "set variable" or "variabl" or "variabel" or "variablee":
                send " &7 " to player
                send "&e&LTOP RESULTS:" to player
                send "&f&l1."
                send "&7Sources > SkHELP(This SKRIPT)"
                send "&fA &6Variable&f is a number or a text with an always editable value, tutorials for skript down below:" to player
                send "&f&lSet varible to:" to player
                send "&7set {variable-name} to [number]/[text]/{another-variable}" to player
                send "&7Example: set {score} to 1" to player
                send " &7 " to player
                send "&f&lAdd/Take an integer to variable:" to player
                send "&7add/take [number] to/from {variable-name}" to player
                send "&7Example: add/take 1 to/from {score}" to player
                send " &7 " to player
                send "&f&lCompare a variable to another value:" to player
                send "&7if {variable-name} >/</= [number]/{another-varible}:" to player
                send " &7 " to player
                send "&f&lAdvanced variable type:" to player
                send "&7{variable-name.%uuid of player%/%player%}, ''%{variable-name}%'', ''%{variable-name.%uuid of player%/%player%}%''" to player
                send " &7 " to player
                send "&f&l2." to player
                send "&fSet &6variable&f to player count help!"
                send "&7Sources > SkUnity(skunity.com)" to player
                send "command /math:" to player
                send "  trigger:" to player
                send "    set {variable-name} to size of all players" to player
                send "    broadcast ''%{counts}%''" to player
                send " &7 " to player
                send "&f&l3."
                send "&fUsing variable so +1 added when mine blocks"
                send "&7Sources > SkUnity(skunity.com)"
                send "command /starterpick:" to player
                send "  trigger:" to player
                send "    give player a diamond pickaxe of unbreaking 50, efficiency 10 and fortune 5 named ''&8[&b&lStarter Pickaxe&8] &8[&a&l0&8]''" to player
                send " &7 " to player
                send "on break:" to player
                send "  if name of player's tool contains ''&8[&b&lStarter Pickaxe&8]'':" to player
                send "    set {_name} to uncolored name of player's tool" to player
                send "    replace all ''[Starter Pickaxe] ['' and '']'' in {_name} with'' ''" to player
                send "    set {_} to ({_name} parsed as int) + 1" to player
                send "    set name of player's tool to ''&8[&b&lStarter Pickaxe&8] &8[&a&l%{_}%&8]''" to player
            if {result.%uuid of player%} contains "command" or "cmd":
                send " &7 " to player
                send "&fA &6Command&f in Skript where you can define custom commands for your server, basic tutorials down below:" to player
                send "&f&lCommand basic code:" to player
                send "&7command /command-name:" to player
                send "  &7permissions: [permission-name]" to player
                send "  &7alises: [command-alises-name/text]" to player
                send "  &7trigger:" to player
                send "     &7event-here" to player
                send " &7 " to player
                send "&f&lCommand medium level type code:" to player
                send "&7command /command-name <text>:" to player
                send "  &7permissions: [permission-name]" to player
                send "  &7alises: [command-alises-name/text]" to player
                send "  &7trigger:" to player
                send "    &7event-here"
                send " &7 " to player
                send "&f&lCommand advanced code:" to player
                send "&7command /command-name [<text>] [<player>] [<integer>]:" to player
                send "  &7permissions: [permission-name]" to player
                send "  &7alises: [command-alises-name/text]" to player
                send "  &7trigger:" to player
                send "    &7event-here"
            if {result.%uuid of player%} contains "gui" or "chest gui":
                send " &7 " to player
                send "&fA &6GUI&f in Skript where you can define custom commands for your server, basic tutorials down below:" to player
                send "&f&lSkQuery GUI:" to player
                send "&7open chest with [number] rows named ''gui-name'' to player" to player
                send "&7format slot 0 of player with paper named ''item-name'' with lore ''item-lore'' to close then run [ event-here ] PS: <--- the event must be surrounded by [ ]" to player
                send " &7 " to player
                send "&f&lTuSKe GUI:" to player
                send "&7open virtual chest inventory with size [number] named ''gui-name'' to player" to player
                send "&7format gui slot [number] of player with N|A/shiny/glowing [item name] named ''item-name'' with lore ''item-lore'' N|A/to run/close:" to player
                send "  &7event-here"
                send " &7 " to player
            if {result.%uuid of player%} contains "sidebar" or "scoreboard":
                send " &7 " to player
                send "&fA &6Scoreboard/Sidebar&f in Skript defines the major uses of SkRayfall and basic tutorials down below:" to player
                send "&7command /test:" to player
                send "  &7trigger:" to player
                send "    &7wipe player's sidebar" to player
                send "    &7set name of sidebar of [player] to ''[text]''" to player
                send "    &7set score ''[text]'' in sidebar of [player] to [number]" to player
                send " &7 " to player
    on right click:
        if player's tool is compass:
            execute player command "/skhelp"

    This is my first .SK release so please leave a suggestion below and thank you.

  9. Hello I never recommend using SkQuery as a GUI but I will give you a SkQuery AND TuSKe answer


    command /shop:
            open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&8&lShop" to player
            format slot 0 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 1 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 2 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 3 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 4 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 5 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 6 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 7 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 8 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 9 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 10 of player with Iron Block named "&f&lGenerators" to close then run [execute player command /shop1]
            format slot 11 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 12 of player with Oak Plank named "&e&lBlocks" to close then run [execute player command /shop2]
            format slot 13 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 14 of player with Water Bucket named "&b&lEssentials" to close then run [execute player command /shop3]
            format slot 15 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 16 of player with Blaze Rod named "&6&lWands " to close then run [execute player command /shop4]
            format slot 17 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 18 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 19 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 20 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 21 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 22 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 23 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 24 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 25 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 26 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
    command /shop1:
            open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&8&lGenerators" to player
            #event here
    command /shop:
            open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&8&lShop" to player
            format gui slot 0 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 1 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 2 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 3 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 4 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 5 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 6 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 7 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 8 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 9 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 10 of player with iron block named "&f&lGenerators"to run:
                open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&f&lGenerators" to player
                #event here
            format gui slot 11 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 12 of player with oak Plank named "&e&lBlocks"to run:
                open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&e&lBlocks" to player
                #event here
            format gui slot 13 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 14 of player with Water Bucket named "&b&lEssentials"to run:
                open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&b&lEssentials" to player
                #event here
            format gui slot 15 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 16 of player with Blaze Rod named "&6&lWands "to run:
                open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&6&lWands" to player
                #event here
            format gui slot 17 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 18 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 19 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 20 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 21 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 22 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 23 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 24 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 25 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  
            format gui slot 26 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f&l "  


  10. This is really ridiculous, story started a month ago, I asked a player Zyhriz to work with me on a skript project, but later he voice chat mean discord about how he don't have any motivation to work on any mine hut server, Discord messages screenshots: https://prnt.sc/tegssu https://prnt.sc/tegsyh. I did finished the project with my pro skripter friend, CHEESE0309. But later I found out Zyhriz is a staff on the mine hut server Gaffle. And I msged him, but he told  some word that was innaproprate for minehut server rules. Then I posted some screenshot links of him being toxic and changing the story that he msged me, All 3 screenshots of msg: https://prnt.sc/tegoz5 https://prnt.sc/tegpgu https://prnt.sc/tegpo0 But then he banned me for "hacking", yes he false banned me on Gaffle for "hacking" while I am on 1.16.1 vanilla with badlion client. This isn't fair, I was false banned on a Minehut server for reason of exposing him, and he wasn't the owner either, he is just a mod, and owner wasn't online, only him and a builder. Please if any mods can punish him in any ways thank you! EDIT: this is banned screenshot: https://prnt.sc/tegyc7


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