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About NitroRayZ

  • Birthday September 6

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  1. Any moderators or admins out there that can help me, I need my forums name chnaged to "Aseltic" because my current name "NitroRayZ" is incorrect and needs to be changed to that.
  2. I just got banned on minehut for saying the "n" word, people were telling me to rename my file to that cause the name i had for it was way to long, and tghey sayid "name it ngs" and i told them that meant the "n" word. This is just straight up ridicoulous, dont reply to this becuase ill never read it

  3. We're am I at? I know I'm semi new-ish but I can still skript good and do stuff with skript
  4. well it turned not into a api, but it works now so any admins or mods, please lock this post. @BennyDoesStuff if you could
  5. thank you, it works now!
  6. bedwars just a bedwars skript meant to copy hypixels bedwars
  7. can't understand this condition: 'format slot 15 of player with wooden axe named "&6&lSet Player 2's Position" with lore "&7[&b*&7]&r &aPlayer 2's Position: &b%{*.player.pos2}%" to run' (Main Skript.sk, line 40: format slot 15 of player with wooden axe named "&6&lSet Player 2's Position" with lore "{@prefix} &aPlayer 2's Position: &b%{*.player.pos2}%" to run:') pls help, im getting this error + the reason theres * everywhere is to hide the skripts real name for suprise
  8. command /info: trigger: set {_ownerUUID} to "b0f27308-0a70-43bf-b025-45c12979b7ad" set {_ownerName} to {_ownerUUID} parsed as player send "&6&l--------------------" send "&bTest Skript" send "&aVersion: &c1.0" send "&aCreated by: &1%{_ownerName}%" send "&6&l--------------------" This seem to work just fine
  9. i just want to send a name of a player from uuid ----------- Made by Alex turns into Made by NitroRayZ since I changed my name + its not gonna be restricted to minehut
  10. a part of a creation that can allow other creations to hook/connect to it and do things with it
  11. Request Could someone make me a skript that would be safe to share or to give anyone, main purpose is that itll grab the skripts owner (username) by simpy providing a UUID inside their own skript meaning it would be a public skript, so that if they change their name, they dont have to update every skript and it would be safe to share at the same time and easy?
  12. wait just noticed you have "on snap:", are you simulating what it could be cuz I can add snap to it
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