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Everything posted by Santio71

  1. ima be a spookie boi
  2. Santio71


    Try this out, this requires the addon SkRayFall on join: create boss bar titled "&aWelcome to the server!" and id "%player%" for player with colors green wait 2 seconds delete bossbar "%player%"
  3. This is possible using the plugin Skript Example below on death of creeper: attacker is a player chance of 5% drop 1 creeper skull at victim's location if you want to learn a bit more of skript, heres a tutorial Creating a Skript | SpigotMC
  4. command /fakeop [<player>]: permission: fakeop.use permission message: &cYou do not have permission to execute this command! trigger: if arg-1 is set: send "&7&o[%player%] made %arg-1% a server operator." to arg-1 else: send "&7Please specify a player!" A addition to what Matqx said, you could send it to a specific message by adding to arg-1 at the end of the message (This will only be sent to the player and not you! Add another send to send it to you too)
  5. Just to let you know, this isn't the place to ask this, I suggest Community Support, but here's your answer anyways Hope on to minehut's panel Make sure your logged in if not already, and start up the server if it isn't online. Once you see the server status on Online Click on the Enter a server command text box and type in "op AlexIsACarrot10" Click the Send button and you should be opped!
  6. Crates Skript (NOT OPTIMIZED) This is a crates skript I've made a while ago, and it's about 140 lines Note that when this was made, this was not made to support tons of players, so if too many players are using crates, it could cause lag! This should however not matter for most people Permissions /crate - crate.use or crate.* /keyall - crate.keyall or crate.* Example: Blue = Command Gray = Comment # This is a tutorial on how to setup a simple crate # Create a crate /crate create (crateName) # This will create a new crate is not already existing # Now to get the crate to be able to place, run the following command /crate crate (crateName) # Once you get the crate in your inventory, place it down # To remove a crate, break it in creative mode, to view contents, left click on it with your fist in survival # To open a crate right click with it with a key or you get flung back! # To add items, run this command while holding that item you wish to add /crate additem (crateName) # Removing items and crates are also simple, examples below # Note you must also be holding that item in hand to remove it from a crate! /crate removeItem (crateName) # Remove a item from a crate /crate remove (crateName) # Remove a crate # Getting keys are also simple, to give everyone a command, run the keyall command # To give yourself a key use the command shown below /crate key (crateName) This skript is somewhat old, but I still wanted to share it with the community for you guys to have, enjoy! I don't plan on updating this unless it's badly needed, than I will recode it with optimization, Until than enjoy the skript, If the pastebin link below does not work, Contact me so I can add a fixed one! Skript Below Click Here (pastebin.com)
  7. If you have ideas for events I and possible others in the event team would love to hear them ( Ideas are hard ok... ;/ )
  8. Absolutely Perfect, only thing is you have yet to mention that Trent is a tent, but maybe one day. Maybe.
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