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Posts posted by lisacrystal

  1. So, I have a problem with Script plugin (AuthMe script). I`ve tooked ready-for-use script from bukkit and it hasn`t got any problems as I saw on YouTube videos of other players who updated it too. Me too, but the only one problem appears on the screenshot below. It was "on any move", but it hadn`t work, then I changed to "on any movement", "on step" etc..... maybe you know how I can solve this problem? I want make like players could`t move before they hadn`t register or logged on the server. There is a little part of .sk file:

    command /authme [<text>]:
        permission: authme.admin
            if arg 1 is "setspawn":
                set {login.spawn} to player's location
                message "{@pref} Вы успешно поставили точку спавна!"
                message "{@pref} Пожалуйста, введите &e/authme setspawn!"

    on walk:
        if {login.%player%} is set:
            if {login.spawn} is set:
                teleport player to {login.spawn}
                message "{@pref} Ошибка &cAuthMe&7, пожалуйста, сообщите &cАдмину&7!"

    on chat:
        if {login.%player%} is set:
            cancel event


  2. Why other players can`t use commands of default permission (spawn, kits, rtp gui etc.) if LuckyPerms plugin is ok, player already has default group, but player can`t use commands from default group? screenshots here  

    at the 1st screenshot you see that player belongs to default group  

    at the 2nd picture you see that player can`t use commands 

    at the 3rd picture you see that there are all commands at default group!

    don`t pay attention to arrow at the 2nd pic 




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