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Everything posted by BanditEagle

  1. @HexBugOrion Currently @pop4959 (the admin who ads plugins to Minehut) is looking into it. More detail below: EDIT: Also, you posted this under the "General" section when there is a specific place in the minehut forums for suggesting plugins, which can be found below: https://forums.minehut.com/forum/20-plugins/ Please post in the correct section next time.
  2. uhh...... that will spawn all mobs at every player whenever someone jumps...
  3. This plugin does not support version 1.16, so it won't be possible to add it onto minehut. If you know of any alternative plugins which work for newer versions [must include v1.16], please send the link to that.
  4. I suggest doing something like this: on player jump: chance of 50%: spawn mob stop chance of 50%: spawn mob stop else: spawn mob stop
  5. BanditEagle


    Well, they are chest shops which work together with signs, so they are also sign shops. I suggest downloading them and checking them out to see how you like it.
  6. @billy2917 From looking at your logs, it looks as if there might be too many entities that exist in the chunks you log into. @HighPot if you are having similar issues, I also suggest you look through this. To solve this issue, I suggest doing one of, or both of the following: 1) Clearing Entities From Console Without joining the server, follow the steps below on the minehut dashboard's console, not in the server itself. Here is how to do that with the console: How to clear entities: 1) Press "ACTIVATE" on the server 2) Press "EDIT SERVER" or "CONTINUE" to go to your main server editor 3) Scroll down a little bit and enter the following in the console and press enter: kill @e[type=! player] 4) Afterwards, wait a few seconds then type "save-all" in the console and enter 5) Restart the server, and try to join. 2) Using Skript To Clear Entities You will need to have the plugin "Skript" installed on your server. After installing, make sure to restart your server, then you can do the following: 1) Press "ACTIVATE" on the server 2) Press "EDIT SERVER" or "CONTINUE" to go to your main server editor 3) Go to the "FILE MANAGER" tab which can be found from the top 4) Find the folder/directoy named "plugins" and open it 5) Find the folder/directory named "Skript" and open it 6) Find the folder/directory named "scripts" and open it 7) Create a new file, name it whatever you want, but make sure it ends with ".sk" (so, for example, like this: clearentities.sk) 8 ) Open that file and paste the following inside: every 1 second: kill all entities 9) Hit save on the bottom, then go to the "APPEARANCE" tab found from the top 10) Find the box named "Server Command" and type the following inside (replace "[file]" with whatever you named the skript file): sk reload [file] 11) Wait a little bit and then restart your server. See if you can join now. Hope this helps you out!
  7. Hi there, I have some questions and requests about the situation from you 1) How long ago did this problem start occuring? 2) Can you think of anything that might have happeed in this server to cause the crash? 3) Are you able to join the server at all? Does the server crash when someone joins or does it take for some time for it to crash? 4) Do you mind sharing with us, in a pastebin.com or as a downloadable file, your server's logs? Here is a guide I made on how to access your latest logs: Hope this helps!
  8. BanditEagle

    Set creative mode

    When you try to do it, what happens? Is there any errors?
  9. Well.. those are just ads targeted to infect people, and it's pretty common. That's why you should use something form of adblockers so you don't see such ads.
  10. To my knowledge, I don't believe there is a lifetime plan on Minehut. I could be wrong, but I don't think there is.
  11. Hi there, I have some questions and requests about the situation from you 1) Can you think of anything that might have happeed in this server to cause the crash? 2) Are you able to join the server at all? Does the server crash when someone joins or does it take for some time for it to crash? 3) Do you mind sharing with us, in a pastebin.com or as a downloadable file, your server's logs? Here is a guide I made on how to access your latest logs: Hope this helps!
  12. No problem! Happy to be able to help!
  13. BanditEagle

    need help!

    That is because PlayerServer is automatically added to servers, which is required for the servers to be linked to the hub/lobby. It's not something that you can remove or edit, it is necessary. However, you will still be able to add one more plugin since the dashboard does not look at PlayerServer with the total plugin count downloaded. Hope this helps!
  14. You can use command blocks to give custom enchanted items.
  15. Hey there, It seems like this hasn't been updated in the past 3 years, and it doesn't seem to be compatible with version 1.16. If you have a different one which works with the latest 1.16 version, please post that instead!
  16. without the brackets, yes.
  17. You can just do this: on right click with paper: name of player's item is "&2&lVIP RANK" make console execute command "/pex user %player% group set VIP" remove player's item from player's inventory Hope this helps!
  18. It uses Credits, which you can obtain by voting or by purchasing for IRL money. The Free & Daily server plans can only be payed for daily, whereas the other plans have the option between paying for the server plan with credits either monthly or yearly. Hope this helps!
  19. BanditEagle

    Set creative mode

    What doesn't function? The ideas me and @centralwtf gave?
  20. a) Are you joining the correct ip address of your server in the format of <servername>.minehut.gg, where you replace <servername> with the name of your server? (ex: If server name is Hallix, ip would be hallix.minehut.gg) b) If you enabled whitelist, did you make sure to add your account to it? If not, that is probably why c) Are you sure the server is online? If the server is offline you won't be able to join it.
  21. loop forever is... a weird way of doing it. There is currently already an existing code-like thing which shows how long a player has played on the server: %time played of player% You can use this like the following: command /playtime [<offline player>]: trigger: if arg-1 is set: send "&2%arg-1%&2's &bplaytime is &a%time played of arg-1%" if arg-1 is not set: send "&bYour playtime is &a%time played of player%" Hope this helps you out a bit!
  22. Unfortunately it is currently not allowed to edit, remove, or add a/the server.properties file on Minehut. To change settings about your server, you can do the following: 1) Press "ACTIVATE" on the server 2) Press "EDIT SERVER" or "CONTINUE" to go to your main server editor 3) Go to the "SETTINGS" tab which can be found from the top There will be a lot of "boxes" as I call it which allows you to change different settings on your server. I suggest checking them out and also investigating and looking around in the server panel itself to find out what other things you can do. Hope this helps!
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