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Everything posted by quick007

  1. wait and just keep trying to join, or wait for it to stop and join it from the lobby
  2. that ussually means the server is still starting/stopping
  3. Houlen instead of just saying "pls add plugin link" if you can find it, try adding it urself: https://github.com/Mooy1/InfinityExpansion
  4. also we alr have a plugin for this, fast async worldedit. It's a faster version of worldedit, and has //removelighting and //fixlighting
  5. quick007

    Kit error

    recreate the kit/look up how to make it. The pl could also be outdated
  6. quick007

    jar files

    not gonna happen, minehut dosen't have any plans to support custom pl's atm
  7. restart your game and launcher lmfao
  8. You could also reset the server in the "danger zone"
  9. quick007

    Lag report

    So, minehut runs thier free servers on 1gb of ram. Minecraft 1.16 servers need at least 4gb of ram to run smoothly. I think their working on a solution to the rubber-banding though. Best way it to upgrade to mh 35 or 75.
  10. Try this: "/pardon <playername>" If that doesn't work, use : "/unban <playername>" (certain plugins require you to do this one so)
  11. quick007

    Glasswars map

    why would somone randomly have this map lol, look it up on planet mc
  12. is your friend using a minecraft premium account or a cracked account (did he pay for it)
  13. YES! Learn how to here: https://minehut.xyz/faq/ingame/download
  14. **test** ***ing*** __this__ *amazing* - one - two - `two and a half` # POG ### Its header ```yml Now its a code box lol ``` ![o.0 kanye 2024 lol]() | Let's try | a table | | --- | --- | | I give this | a 0% chance of working |
  15. Not saying we don't need the plugin but we have a very similar plugin called "itemeditor". Just do "/ie edit" holding any items.
  16. using worldguard is the best option (and any functioning server should use it cause if its possibilities). Look at ur plugins and see if https://skriptify.xyz has any replacements for them.
  17. do that lmao every 5 minutes: broadcast "text here, you can use colors like &cas &6well" (you'll need the skript plugin to do this, learn how to config it what whatnot here cause i'm to lazy to explain it lol: https://minehut.xyz/skript/basics#viewing-and-adding-scripts)
  18. quick007


    Vannilla minecraft: "/gamemode <spectator> <player>" With essentials (try this if the previous doesn't work): "/gmsp <player>"
  19. Would recommend using worldguard and set regions to "no entry" and add the death falg per region, then add a warp system to let players access the regions.
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