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Everything posted by Tacosheel

  1. Tacosheel


    For QualityArmory Muzzle Flashes! Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/lightapi-fork.48247/
  2. wait encode is active on minehut, what
  3. I think if you update ProtocolLib, that might allow matrix to load/work.
  4. +1 Great addition to minehut.
  5. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/combatanalyzer.85220/ I think its pretty cool, and would do really nicely on minehut.
  6. Im using this to detect when a player joins through bedrock. I dont exactly know how to check if someone's name starts with *
  7. Just use essentials tpa, it works exactly the same. And the plugin you are requesting to be added has not been updated since Minecraft 1.5.2. Minecraft is currently on 1.16.3
  8. Watchat and Horizon anticheat have not been updated in a long time, Horizon doesnt support 1.14+ and Watchcat has memory leaks. Could you replace them with: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/wither-anti-cheat-1-13-x-1-16-x-paper-tuinity-support-free-accurate-optimized-anti-cheat.68657/ and https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/kauri-anticheat.83910/ Both anticheats are great, and would do very well on minehut.
  9. Floodgate-Skript would allow use to check for players joining with bedrock, and would be really helpful. https://github.com/DoctorMacc/floodgate-skript
  10. They now support 1.16 with a few bug fixes. Thanks, Tacosheel
  11. Matrix 5.3.0 is out, Minehut is currently running 5.1.7 Thanks, Tacosheel
  12. I do realize the security issues that come with it, and completely understand that it wont be added anytime soon. But I do hope it can be a thing someday preferably sooner than later!
  13. I mean, im using it as my main anticheat, I think its pretty stable ngl. I just need the latest version for the 1.16 block updates, and for bug fixes, false positive fixes, and patching bypasses. Also to use conditional commands, which would be such a help on minehut, because mh lag can cause falses
  14. If you have a good config, havent seen my anticheat false with the current config im using. Using skript to make addons, like alerts to discord, bans to discord, etc
  15. Agreed, I do think it would be a great addition to minehut, and a really good way to protect servers from cheaters, hackers, etc. Something minehut really needs. Skript anticheats just dont cut it, with ThatPacketAddon, it helps a ton, also with Skript Mirror.
  16. Can you also add skript-mirror [v2.0.0-SNAPSHOT]
  17. Hi, so its been a while since Matrix was updated, in fact, its 20 or so versions behind. You can find the updated version on https://matrix.rip :P. Also could you add ThatPacketAddon? Its a really neat addon to skript that allows you to see packets sent to and from the client. Im not using it maliciously, only to get client packets to see what client people are using. Thanks so much, please update Matrix, and add ThatPacketAddon https://forums.skunity.com/resources/thatpacketaddon.847/. (also if you can plz update via, ty) EDIT: You can get the latest free version from their discord, a direct invite is https://discord.gg/WgP34Z3 and go to the free version tab.
  18. The new Matrix Anticheat supports 1.16
  19. So, the matrix anticheat on minehut right now, is seriously outdated, the latest Matrix Anticheat is on their discord right now, I would really like it if you could update it. Matrix AntiCheat website: matrix.rip
  20. Hi, so I am new to Minehut and this is the first time I have heard of skript. I like the idea of skript, but I am a complete noob. So I made a post on the community help about how to limit commands within an area. I don't know if that is possible, but I wanted to run different gamemodes on the same server (I know its gonna lag, but tps prob wont drop under 17.) with multiverse, but KitPvP has a plugin and so does survival. The answer was to ask here and so here I am! So, is there a way of limiting certain commands within a world with skript? Please help
  21. Tacosheel


    You need to install a chat moderation plugin, then you can mute the chat
  22. I know I made a post like 5 mins ago, but this is a different question, How would you limit certain commands within an area, Like let's say im using multiverse to make different gamemodes on the same server. If i downloaded a KitPvP plugin, I shouldn't be able to use it on a survival gamemode. I hope this makes sense, if not please tell me. Please Help.
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