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Everything posted by Ria

  1. All in all looks like a pretty simple skript but every 0.1 tick: is not a good idea, especially with multiple players being on the server. Maybe add it as a function instead or just let it loop around every few seconds and not every tick.
  2. I've took a break from Minehut that lasted almost a year. Dam, I've been missing out on so much it seems, despite it's just being a year! now hap e
  3. Ria

    server creation

    Well, I kind only can complain about your friends internet then... Also I think if you just want a survival world, then you mustn't need any plugins. And if it's really just Minehut be lagging, then well... I guess you'd just have to live with a free host that lags a tiny bit. But if anyone else would actually let you host a server with a paid plan, then you may be in luck! (Again, that is if anyone wills to.)
  4. Ria

    server creation

    Just make your own one, it's pretty easy.
  5. I love minehut (yes it is known that the generator doesn't work with flatworlds as of now)
  6. finna someone makes something useful with the api
  7. Try again, in worst case you have to reset your server. (Or atleast, just reset your world)
  8. Oh that usually should show it, but well apparently it didn't this time. I just tested the skript and all you need to add is "to the player" after the send message. Pretty much like that: send "&cYou cannot drop items! Do /drop first!" to the player
  9. Not a perfect skript, but also not a bad one (as for a beginner, I belive), would probably be handy for some other servers!
  10. Oh right you're using luckperms. So according to the wiki, it should go like this: /lp group default permission set essentials.world essentials.worlds.ul_pvp true
  11. Alright then, so if I am correct you trying to use the command "/world ul_pvp" whenever the player clicks on the npc, right? Well, hoping you know how to add permissions, add the permission "essentials.world" to the default group and also "essentials.worlds.ul_pvp".
  12. Ria

    Prefixes not working

    I think you should better try to get EssentialsChat first and see if that works.
  13. I'm not trying to minimod but please don't create multiple posts about the same issue. Did you also check out what I've commented before?
  14. Better try to contact support. https://minehut.com/support/form
  15. Try to add "-o" too. This will let them use the npc using op, even if they don't have op.
  16. In the worlds tab, you can find a shiny red button allowing you to delete the world. Make sure to stop the server first though!
  17. Ria

    Prefixes not working

    Prefixes will not simply appear by thin air, you gotta set them up. And if you did, then either try checking the LuckPerms wiki or try a different plugin (like GroupManager or PermissionsEx).
  18. Ria

    What's SHA1 Hash??

    You cannot put shaders into a server, only texture packs.
  19. Ria


    Each plugin has a link in the description. You'll most likely find a wiki page when you follow the links!
  20. Simply check the docs, here's one example: on chat: set the chat format to "%Player's name% &7» &f%colored message%"
  21. This can be easily be covered without the use of "make console execute...". My example would be like this: on join: set {%player%::candrop} to 0 # this is to avoid player from bypassing the ability to drop command /drop: cooldown: 1 minute #optional trigger: send "&cYou can drop items for 10 seconds now!" set {%player%::candrop} to 1 wait 10 seconds send "&cYou can't drop items anymore." set {%player%::candrop} to 0 on drop: player does not have permission "admin" # admins can bypass drop cooldown {%player%::candrop} is 0 # players who used /drop will bypass this for 10 seconds cancel event send "&cYou cannot drop items! Do /drop first!" If you want to use this example, make sure to either remove the plugin that stops from players dropping items or add the drop permissions to the default group.
  22. As far as I know there is a plugin for that. But if you really want to have this in a Skript, then well... good luck on your own findings and contribution from anyone else. Sounds kind of hard to make in Skript in my opinion.
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