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Everything posted by Oiiink

  1. Hello, I am Oiiink. ok bye.
  2. Oiiink

    Cant join minehut

    Minehut is down right now.
  3. They said it's because their filter is connected so if they added a swear word to lobby chat then it'd also be added to messages as well, could be wrong but I'm pretty sure they're working on separating it.
  4. I want you to revert the sale tbh, my rank decreased from $150 to $25 that's terrible I feel even worse for the patrons, I know it's a GREAT update but I just don't like sales when the gap is this big and the people that spent vast amount of money on a rank basically get scammed haha.
  5. Oiiink

    Caught in 4k

    lol nonoo
  6. VIP= 7 minutes PRO=5 minutes I believe LEGEND = 3 minutes PATRON or ABOVE = 1 minute
  7. Are they even reading applications?
  8. Please don't necropost (post on things that are over 1 month old)
  9. Welcome to MH Forums.

  10. Credits: MasterClashers (I saw this on his stream and skripted it for my self) What this skript does: You can set a custom code to whatever you like and then reveal it on the stream, everyone in the stream can then type /joinevent [<code>] to join the event. You can also make it so donors can join the queue first or everyone can join the queue system. You can also set the size of the queue. CODE: command /event [<text>] [<text>]: permission: staff trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&c/event (queue/start/stop) (donor/all)" else if arg-1 is not "queue" or "start" or "stop": send "&c/event (queue/start/stop) (donor/all)" else if arg-2 is not "donor" or "all": send "&c/event (queue/start/stop) (donor/all)" if arg-1 = "queue": if arg-2 = "donor": broadcast "" broadcast "&6&lEvent Queue: &7Event queue has been opened up for &a($) %nl% &7to join the event type /joinevent [code]" broadcast "" set {queueopen} to "donor" if arg-2 = "all": broadcast "" broadcast "&6&lEvent Queue: &7Event queue has been opened up for everyone %nl% &7to join the event type /joinevent [code]" broadcast "" set {queueopen} to "all" command /setcode [<text>]: permission: staff trigger: set {code} to arg-1 send "&cYou have set the code to %arg-1%&c!" command /setqueuesize [<integer>]: permission: staff trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&cThe current queue size is %{eventsize}%&c!" else: set {eventsize} to arg-1 send "&cYou have set the event size to %arg-1%&c!" command /joinevent [<text>]: trigger: if {queueopen} = "donor": if {rank::%player's uuid%} is not "host" or "mod" or "$": send "&cSorry! You cannot join the event at this time!" else: if arg-1 is not {code}: send "&cIncorrect code!" else: if size of {event::*} >= {eventsize}: send "&cQueue is full!" else: if {event::*} doesn't contain player: add player to {event::*} send "&aCorrect code!" broadcast "" broadcast "&6&lEvent Queue: &7%player% &7has joined the queue (%size of {event::*}%/%{eventsize}%)" broadcast "" else: send "&cYou are already inside of the queue!" else if {queueopen} = "all": if arg-1 is not {code}: send "&cIncorrect code!" else: if size of {event::*} >= {eventsize}: send "&cQueue is full!" else: if {event::*} doesn't contain player: add player to {event::*} send "&aCorrect code!" broadcast "" broadcast "&6&lEvent Queue: &7%player% &7has joined the queue (%size of {event::*}%/%{eventsize}%)" broadcast "" else: send "&cYou are already inside of the queue!"
  11. I have skript-db what now. The skript says mysql_ip: mysql_port: 3306 mysql_user: mysql_pass: mysql_prefix: mysql_name: Edit: I think it's for this mysql://{@mysql_ip}:{@mysql_port}/{@mysql_name}?user={@mysql_user}&password={@mysql_pass}&useSSL=false
  12. Welp it appears you need mysql for the skript so I gotta figure that out
  13. IG it's okay I talked to her and she said she was having a bad day which is understandable, I just put in all the plugins you gave me hopefully now the errors might be fixed. Well it seems now it is just some functions that needs to be fixed but other than that it's pretty good.
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