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Posts posted by Simsamcalle

  1. Yes I know I can install plugins to do that. But why is my server 1.16.4 in the first place? If you can't log onto Minehut with that version in the first place? 

    I don't have the space to download another plugin on my server. If I would, I need to remove another plugin which would frick up the server. 

  2. That is because you are in a different lobby than them, your lobby is muted. But not theirs. 

    Example: You are in lobby 4 which is muted. But another player is in lobby 13 which is not muted. Which means he can talk in chat but not you. You can see his message because lobbies have same chat. 

  3. Today I got this problem with my server, that when I joined it said "Outdated client, use 1.16.4". So I closed my minecraft and started it with 1.16.4. But here's the problem. Minehut only allows 1.16, which means I couldn't join minehut. 
    So when I used 1.16.4 I couldn't join minehut. But when I used 1.16.3, I could join minehut but not my server?

    How do I make my server 1.16.3? Please comment down below. 

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