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  1. This plugin could help server add more stuff to it such as custom weapons like spells with the plugin MMOItems your able to create wizard wands and more if you would like to take one of the skill from a boss you made in mythical mobs. This plugin could lead to many different types of servers to be made it also requires and addon MythicalLib MMOItems: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/mmoitems-premium.39267/ MythicalLib: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/mythiclib.90306/
  2. I've been trying to get GoBrush working for my server along with FAWE and GoPaint but could never access the heightmaps of gobrush. I've tried reinstalling GoBrush and managed to fix it temporarily once, but in the end failed nonetheless since I can't access the heightmaps anymore after some time. The same issue occurs with FastAsync Voxelsniper
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