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MpAaXrIrMyUS's Achievements


Lurker (1/6)



  1. Can you please explain how you would get these to work?
  2. Hello anybody who is reading this. I was wondering if there is any way to see private messages that are sent between 2 other players if you are an operator. If you know how, it would be much appreciated if you could tell me how. Thank you!!
  3. First of all, if you are seeing this, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read what I have written. I was wondering if there is a way to make it so that people on your server couldn't see if you use commands (/give, /gamemode, tp, etc.). I go into spectator to check if anyone is doing anything bad and it would be a lot better if they did not know I was in spectator. Thank you for your help if you do give any!!
  4. This doesn't seem to even be a command
  5. To anyone passing by, I would like to ask for your assistance. Today, my friend texted me saying that she is banned on my server. This is not true, and I used the /pardon command with her IGN and it said nothing changed. I then banned her and unbanned her as an attempt at fixing it. She is still banned it says. I then turned on whitelist and put in all my friend's IGNs, and hers. She is still unable to join because she is banned from the server. I am the only moderator on my server and there is nobody else who could be banning her. Thank you for your time!
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