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Posts posted by HunterLux

  1. Quote

    Hello 83ywasTaken, I like ur aliases/Username!


    I would like a Restart Skript.

    To be more clear i would like a skript that Restarts your mc server (Minehut server) When you send the command /restart


    thats all i would like today.


    Kind regards, DasonPlayz

    You can't do that in Minehut.

  2. I've noticed several mistakes in your script, but the main thing I want to point out is your misuse of variables. You see, if you set for example the {x} variable to the player's variable, then the player's variable would be the same for everyone, and would change constantly.

    Use local variables instead, {_x}, {_y}, {_z}.



    •  Yeah, that won't work. Instead use:


    on first join:
    	add 1 to {totaljoins}
    	set join message to "&2&l(SERVER NAME) &8» &a%player% &7has joined the server for the first time! &8##%{totaljoins}%"


    I suggest learning basic Skript before releasing scripts to the community..

  3. 1 hour ago, DasonPlayz said:

    First join skript 

    on join:
    	if {totaljoins::*} does not contain player:
    	add 1 to {totaljoins::*} 
    	broadcast "&2&l(SERVER NAME) &8» &a%player% &7has joined the server for the first time! &8{totaljoins::*}"


    Yeah, that won't work. Instead use:


    on first join:
    	add 1 to {totaljoins}
    	set join message to "&2&l(SERVER NAME) &8» &a%player% &7has joined the server for the first time! &8##%{totaljoins}%"


    I suggest learning basic Skript before releasing scripts to the community..

  4. You could track the y-coord of the player and if their y-coord is greater or equal to the one you proposed, do whatever you want to them. I made a script for that purpose but it's right out of my head so I haven't tested it for errors yet:


    #You can change the number of seconds this event happens, but I made it 5 to prevent lag.
    every 5 seconds:
    	loop all players:
    		if loop-player's world = "name of the nether world":
    			if loop-player's y-coord >= 127:
    				kill loop-player


  5. on join:
        wait 1 tick
        while player is alive:
            if blocks in radius 10 of player contains emerald block:
                add 4 to player's balance
                send "&a&l+ $4" to player
                wait 1 second

    See, Skript treats "balance" as in the balance you have in Vault/SkVault. If you do not have them installed, I suggest making your own economy with variables. Here's a balance script I just made:

    command /balance [<text>] [<number>] [<offlineplayer>]:
    	aliases: bal
    		if {bal::%player's uuid%} is not set:
    			set {bal::%player's uuid%} to 0
    		if arg-1 is not set:
    			send "&aBalance: &a{bal::%player's uuid%}" to player
    		else if arg-1 is "add":
    			if player has permission "bal.add":
    				if arg-2 is not set:
    					send "&cYou must set the number of coins to add" to player
    				if arg-3 is not set:
    					add arg-2 to {bal::%player's uuid%}
    					send "&bAdded &c$%arg-2%&b to your balance" to player
    		else if arg-1 is remove:
    			if player has permission "bal.remove":
    				if arg-2 is not set:
    					send "&cYou must set the number of coins to remove" to player
    				if arg-3 is not set:
    					remove arg-2 from {bal::%player's uuid%}
    					send "&bRemoved &c$%arg-2%&b from your balance" to player





    	permission: toggle.permission
    	permission message: &cInsufficient Permissions
    	item timer: 30
    	toggle on: &aEnabled random items
    	toggle off: &cDisabled random items
    every {@item timer} seconds:
    	if {itemtoggle} is true:
    		add 1 of (random item out of all items) to inventory of all players
    command /toggle:
    	permission: toggle.permission
    	permission message: &cInsufficient Permissions
    		if {itemtoggle} is not set:
    			set {itemtoggle} to true
    			send "{@toggle on}"
    			delete {itemtoggle}
    			send "{@toggle off}"


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