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Everything posted by therickster197

  1. im trying to use a nameless hosting (namelessmc) website. i have the namelessmc plugin on my server and have the api set up, but it still wont show info about the server on the website. can it do this on a minehut server, or will it never show the info right(on the servers page)? and if the api is set up, but no info is shown about the server on the server page, is it still synced and stuff?
  2. Thank you so much. the plugin worked for me. You nearly saved my life. thank you again
  3. does anyone know how to use the @p selector with permissions ex commands. ex: /pex user @p add *
  4. i want to contact or email the owner of the minehut server because they arent online. is there a way to do this
  5. also no, but i think someone ip banned this one person with alts
  6. it justs bans people for random reasons. is there a way to disable it
  7. my friends minecraft server keeps on ip banning people for no reason. its not people who are doing this. does anyonne know what this could be.
  8. i use worldguard, but even if there is no reigion. there is still spawn protection. the command worked, but didnt get rid of spawn protection
  9. there is still spawn protection at spawnpoint
  10. there is this weird "invisible region" anyone deopped cant place blocks or open doors, use buttons. I cant get rid of it. its like it doesnt exist to any plugins or to the server, but it deffinently exists. Does anyone know what this could be.
  11. thank you. i just found out that uninstalling the plugin doesnt delete config files anyway. lol
  12. im testing something and i want to backup my plugins folder. is there a way to download folders or files so i can do this.
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