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Everything posted by notminehut

  1. If the file you downloaded didn't contain the right files, then thats the issue. Find a better world then try again.
  2. Please provide your latest.log file. Here's a tutorial on how to do so.
  3. It's probably just somebody trolling. Provide a screenshot and it can be looked into further,
  4. MInehut does not update the plugins, you'll have to wait for the plugin developer to update it. Here is a tab plugin that does support 1.18.1; try it out.
  5. that's amazing, thank you very much
  6. Send the full code, we need context. Also include the full error.
  7. Hello Minehut Staff, Before I was unfairly banned from the forums, I had the second most reputation, which I believe was around 200 at the time. I was wondering if there was any way I can get this back now that I'm allowed on the forums with no restrictions.
  8. When you run /seed, does it say invalid command or does it say something else?
  9. Please send us your latest.log file, if you go onto minehut.xyz there should be a tutorial if you search for logs. I would attach the url but I'm on the school wifi and am unable to go onto my own website.
  10. I can back after being banned and had over 3,000... trying to find the screenshot but can't seem to get it.
  11. You need to send us your latest.log file, [here] is a tutorial on how to do that.
  12. As stated above, you need Multiverse. [Here]'s a tutorial on installing plugins and [here]'s a Multiverse tutorial.
  13. No idea about the errors shown, I recommend trying to Repair Files [here].
  14. This should probably be on the Skript section [here]. You should also be more clear... teleport you to who / where?!
  15. No need for this. Just the plugin name & link to a download page is needed.
  16. Hello! I'm Adam & I'm back... or did I never even leave in the first place...
  17. https://forums.minehut.com/forum/24-player-appeals/
  18. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/official-mcmmo-original-author-returns.64348/
  19. notminehut


    It hasn't been updated in 2 years but: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/areashop.2991/
  20. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/super-potions-food-potion-stack.63727/
  21. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/superheroes.79766/
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