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  1. I currently have code that is working fine and all, but everytime the command is run it loops the variable and could easily crash the server if someone were to spam it. I was wondering if anyone knew an alternate way to do this so that it didn't lag the server if someone spammed it but still worked fine. command /top balance: trigger: loop {money::*}: add 1 to {_size} if {_low.to.high.list::%loop-value%} is not set: set {_low.to.high.list::%loop-value%} to loop-index else: set {_n} to 0 loop {_size} times: set {_n} to {_n}+1 {_low.to.high.list::%loop-value-1%.%{_n}%} is not set set {_low.to.high.list::%loop-value-1%.%{_n}%} to loop-index stop loop wait 1 tick set {_n} to size of {_low.to.high.list::*} loop {_low.to.high.list::*}: set {_high.to.low.list::%{_n}%} to loop-value set {_n} to {_n}-1 wait 1 tick set {_i} to 0 send "&7&m-----------&8< &6Top10 &8>&7&m-----------" loop {_high.to.low.list::*}: add 1 to {_topnumber} set {_player} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offlineplayer send "&7%{_topnumber}% - &c%{_player}% &8» &7$%format({money::%loop-value%})%" add 1 to {_i} if {_topnumber} > 10: stop send "&7&m------------------------------"
  2. Description I'm fairly new to skript, and I've created a command that tells the player how much more of an item they need out of 64 Steps to Reproduce Once the command is run, it'll say "An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command." to my player, here's the code: options: amount: 64 command /antimatter: trigger: set {_am} to amount of sweet berries named " &4&ki &cAnti-matter berries &4&ki" with lore "&3Trade for anti-matter gens" and " &9&l&kii &6/antimatter &9&l&kii" in player's inventory if player has 64 sweet berries named " &4&ki &cAnti-matter berries &4&ki" with lore "&3Trade for anti-matter gens" and " &9&l&kii &6/antimatter &9&l&kii": remove 64 of sweet berries named " &4&ki &cAnti-matter berries &4&ki" with lore "&3Trade for anti-matter gens" and " &9&l&kii &6/antimatter &9&l&kii" from player give player 1 light gray glazed terracotta named "&b&ki &f&lAnti-Matter Generator &b&ki" with lore "&4Resets every 10 seconds!" send "&b&lOculis &8&l» &f&lAnti-Matter &3generator received!" else: set {_needed} to {@amount} - {_am} send "&b&lOculis &8&l» &3You need %{_needed}% more" Expected Behavior It should send a message to the player that reads "&b&lOculis &8&l» &3You need (64 - however many more you need) more" but, as stated before it says An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command." instead. Errors / Screenshots Here's the gist link to the error: https://gist.github.com/SmellyEggplant/e4382b0a8b3894f3c3138dbc7713570c Server Information Server version/platform: Minehut Skript version: 2.4-beta5-MH (custom version) Thanks in advance!
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