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Everything posted by _xXOussamaXx_

  1. I'm working on a farming server and I'm looking for ideas to add it, suggest anything! Items, custom hoes, crops and everything! Ty
  2. Can a @Moderator close this for necroposting?
  3. lmao, you replaced the "" with the %%, funny one. Have you rode the docs? `if arg-1 is "market"` exists bro smh
  4. Nerd, that will stack up the effect and it will add +1 in every tick so it will lags the server. Also, the effect won't be removed from the player if he doesn't have the talisman anymore, lmao.
  5. Stop repeating this in every post, there are plenty skripts our there to check..
  6. command /addperms [<text>] [<text>]: permission: * trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: make console execute command "/lp group %arg-1% permission set %arg-2% true" else: send "&cSpecific a permission." else: send "&cSpecific a group."
  7. Hardcoded + using SkQuery's GUI which is so bad, I suggest to just set it like this command /grant [<player>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: make console execute command "/lp user %arg-1% parent set %arg-2%" # For LuckPerms else: send "&cSpecific a rank." else: send "&cSpecific a player."
  8. Worst skript I've ever seen, if ur using TuSKe you would've forgotten to add a ":" on the line 10. Second thing is just make it `kick all players`
  9. Just use everything in a command and use arguments
  10. The problem with this skript is everyone can remove the generator and steals it
  11. I'd rather change `is greater than or equal to` to `>=` bcz only idiots loves to complain in their skripts
  12. command /lockdown [<text>]: permission: * trigger: if arg-1 is "on": broadcast "" and "&b&lDeltaSmp &r&c&lThe lockdown is now &aon" and "" execute console command "/whitelist on" loop all players: if loop-player doesn't have permission "*": kick loop-player else if arg-1 is "off": broadcast "" and "&b&lDeltaSmp &r&c&lThe lockdown is now &coff" and "" execute console command "/whitelist off" else if arg-1 is not "off" or "on": message "&cUsage: &7/lockdown on/off"
  13. You could just do "else" instead of adding lines.. For example: command /talisman: trigger: give player 1 grass named "&2&lGrass Talisman" every tick: loop all players: if loop-player is holding a grass named "&2&lGrass Talisman": apply speed without any particles to the loop-player apply health boost 3 without any particles to the loop-player else: remove speed from loop-player remove health boost from loop-player
  14. This is the best duel Skript I've ever seen! Great Work.
  15. You aren't supposed to release this here, can any moderator move this to MarketPlace?
  16. Make a bedrock server
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