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ItamarCohen last won the day on April 2 2021

ItamarCohen had the most liked content!

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  1. Hi, idk if im suppose to ask this but can i get a status update?
  2. Hello Minehut, I would like to suggest this anticheat - Spartan Anticheat https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/spartan-anti-cheat-advanced-cheat-detection-hack-blocker-1-7-2-1-16-5.25638/ This is a very good anticheat which is one of the biggest problems in minehut these days. I tested it myself and its one of the best anticheats i've ever seen and it will solve so much problem in the entire minehut community to all of the big servers. This is a list of cheats that it blocks - https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vTHwxatQmlastam-oCq5zOwQ3gLFTSa6SgqL5WT37JzC5g4YZWhkE3r-a6JGAJC_LnjIHXx8EDFRKMV/pub I would like you to consider adding it as this is an actual important plugin. Note: Before you say that there are alternatives to it, I've tried both Matrix and NoCheatPlus which minehut currently provide and they are just not good enough, and doesn't block any of the important cheats.
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