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  1. 1. IGN - qrdf 2. Timezone - UTC+13 3. Age (13+ only) - 14 4. Discord Name & ID (ex. Sh0ot#3984) - qrdf#7827 5. What experience do you have as a staff member? - I have alot of experience on small servers with around 400 players the biggest server I have been staff on was the same popularity as minehut 6. Why would you like to be staff on AcidS - I have played on the server for quite a bit now and I see that there are a lot of people who argue and i just want to help them sort it out :) 7. Why should we hire you over other people? -I have experience on several servers and have studied most plugins on minehut 8. Have you ever hacked before (this will not affect your chances) - no 9. Have you ever been banned on any servers? If so, for what reason? -no I have never been banned on any server. 10. Anything else we should know? (hobbies, personality, etc) - not really xD Situational Questions 1. What would you do if you thought someone might be using criticals or nofall? - I would go out and pvp him most likely on an alt to see if he jumps to get a crit, and for nofall i would just watch until he jumps off more than 3 blocks 2. What would you do if you saw somebody flying or using speed hacks? - clip it to make sure its hacks or ban if its blatant 3. What would you do if someone was botting the server? - mute chat until it resolved or kick/ban the bots if its easy to tell what are bots and not 4. What would you do if someone starts spamming personal information in chat? - mute the player for the right amount of time they deserved and clear chat 5. What would you do if someone says something racist or homophobic in chat? - I would immediately clear the chat and then mute them ( I am a very fast typer) 6. What would you do if somebody was threatening to hack the server? I would warn them and if it continues mute
  2. (My Minecraft Username:) Lagqy(Are you multilingual:) No(My Discord Username;) Lagqy#7827(My Age:) 15(My Timezone:) GMT+12 (Why do you want to apply for staff on Lift:) It seems that its a popular so people try and hack on it and I want to stop that. (How much time can you contribute to being a staff member on Lift:) I can be on 2-5 hours A day. (Have you been staff on any servers:) I have been staff on mineplex but I left when it died. (How much experience do you have as a staff member;) Well I'm good with developing commands and I know how to punish rule breakers properly. (Are you currently staff on any other servers:) No not at the moment. (Have you broken any rules on the Lift Discord or Minecraft server:) No i have never broken a rule. (You banned someone for hacking, the community is outraged. How would you deal with the outrage:) I would make sure i have evidence and show them and tell them that even if they are angry for it, it is still a fair punishment. (Explain a situation where you might have to act mature and professional while being staff on Lift:) where someone is targeting someone else and the person that is getting targeted is unable to do anything I'd have to step in.
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