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  1. wILD_

    Weird 1.16.3 Crafting Bug

    I tried the stack distribution and recipe book in my survival world and they both worked. Looks like it may be a minehut side issue.
  2. My friends and i have been experiencing this weird crafting bug where the quick craft and stack dragging is not working. There is also trouble with item stacking as whenever i pick up a few items instead of stacking i may get a pile of 24 and 40. We are all experiencing this on the same server but are not sure whether its a minecraft side issue or a minehut one. It only arose with the new transition update from 1.16.2 to 1.16.3. Anyone else getting this? Also are there any possible fixes that i could try? 2020-09-27 21-44-23.mp4
  3. wILD_

    Nether Update

    With the new nether update will my survival world update to that and reset the nether? Or will i have to start a new world. I would like the new nether but dont want to restart
  4. wILD_

    Nether Update

    With the new nether update will my survival world update to that and reset the nether? Or will i have to start a new world. I would like the new nether but dont want to restart:/
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