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  1. Users a scammer. Scammed me 35 euros after discussing for 2 weeks on discord and testing the plugin on a server I was hosting he dipped and blocked me afterwards. Very sad since he even complemented my work. Manipulative. Not even gonna say "approach with caution" dont even approach as they are only looking to "hire" as they don't have skills for any services. 

    1. SteveGay


      I tried to talk to him again and he said he would pay for me to test things on his server he then banned me and whitelisted it after I spent nearly 3 straight hours while he failed to execute one task. (20$ offered). I thought he had changed. These events are 9 1/2 months apart.

  2. DM me on Discord. I have 3+ years of Skript experience. Discord:MinecraftMan1013#7242.
  3. Hello! I am offering Skript services paid and free (mostly free tho)! Contact me on discord (MinecraftMan1013#7242) if you would like me to Skript anything for you! I have been doing Skript for a few years, and am experienced with a bunch of addons.
  4. DM me on discord MinecraftMan1013#7242
  5. I turned that on and the bot is still offline. I also restarted the server.
  6. I put the bot name and bot token in manually. Still offline. Currently, I have on script load: create vixio bot: enable the guild members intent enable the guild bans intent enable the guild emojis intent enable the guild invites intent enable the guild voice states intent enable the guild presences intent enable the guild messages intent enable the guild message reactions intent enable the direct messages intent enable the direct message reactions intent enable the direct message typing intent When I put this, enable the server members intent it says unknown.
  7. No, I have not. I am making a new bot application and restarting the bot. I'll let you know if it works. EDIT: It did not work.
  8. Hello, I am coding a bot using the Skript addon Vixio. My bot was working a few days ago and it suddenly just stopped working. I made sure that the token was correct. Here is my code options: Bot Prefixes: . Main Bot Prefix: . Bot Name: HighSkyFlys Helper Bot Token: [Not included] on script load: create vixio bot: enable the guild members intent enable the guild bans intent enable the guild emojis intent enable the guild invites intent enable the guild voice states intent enable the guild presences intent enable the guild messages intent enable the guild message reactions intent enable the direct messages intent enable the direct message reactions intent enable the direct message typing intent login to "{@Bot Token}" with the name "{@Bot Name}" set {BotStatus} to false on chat: send "%player%: %message%" to channel with id "774409395127189546" with "{@Bot Name}" on guild message received: if discord id of event-channel is "774409395127189546": broadcast "&f[&bDiscord&f] %discord name of event-user%: %event-message%" every 1 second: if {BotStatus} is false: set {BotStatus} to true mark "{@Bot Name}" as playing "on HighSkyFly! Join me on HighSkyFly.minehut.gg!" wait 15 seconds mark "{@Bot Name}" as watching "all you kids out there" wait 15 seconds set {BotStatus} to false discord command help: prefixes: {@Bot Prefixes} trigger: create embed: set description of embed to ":postbox: **I sent you a list of things I can do in your DMs, %mention tag of event-user%!**" send last created embed to event-channel with event-bot wait 1 second create embed: set title of the embed to "** {@Bot Name}'s Help Menu**" set the color of embed to red add field named " " with value " " to embed add field named "**Commands**" with value "**{@Main Bot Prefix}help** - DM you this help menu %nl% **{@Main Bot Prefix}status** - Get the status of the Minecraft server %nl% **{@Main Bot Prefix}golem** - " to embed send last created embed to event-user with event-bot discord command status: aliases: stats prefixes: {@Bot Prefixes} trigger: create embed: set color of embed to green set title of the embed to "HighSkyFly Server Stats" add field named "**Status:** Online" with value " " to embed add field named "**Players Online:**" with value "%{PlayersOnline}%" to embed send last created embed to event-channel with event-bot discord command purge <number>: prefixes: {@Bot Prefixes} trigger: grab the last arg-1 messages in event-channel purge the grabbed messages with event-bot grab the last 1 messages in event-channel send ":white_check_mark: Succesfully purged **%arg-1%** messages from **%event-channel%**!" to event-channel with event-bot On top of that, when it was working, everything the bot send was duplicated. The only thing that was not duped was the chat from MC to discord (Discord to MC was duped tho). Other than that, every message was sent twice. Please help, as I would really like to continue working on my bot! Thanks, MinecraftMan1013
  9. I actually have the Citizens plugin installed, but so far it does nothing really. Is there some sort of option in the config I should change?
  10. Hello, I would like to request that Minehut updates the Shopkeepers plugin to the latest version (version 2.11.0). One of the key reasons I would like it to be updated is because there is a glitch where all shopkeepers face south. Here is a link to someone else who also had the problem, and the owner said it would be fixed if they updated.
  11. Hello Minehut, could you please update the RankGrant+ plugin? Thanks, MinecraftMan1013
  12. Hello, I need someone to help me with my server by coding some stuff with Skript. Would anyone be interested? Thanks, MinecraftMan1013
  13. Thank you for the help! The problem ended up being a plugin that didn't work (RankGrant+).
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