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Posts posted by InfinitumWays

  1. NOTE : I will likely be playing at night most of the time at my time. Reason why, because I have a lot of stuff to do in Real Life. I will try my best to be on during the day at my time


    Personal Details

    Minecraft (In - Game) username: InfinitumWays

    Age: 15

    Discord Tag & Name: EnderMine6😀#8103

    Time Zone (ex. EST): (UTC - 6)

    Are you Multi-lingual (able to fluently speak other languages): A little.

    If yes (above) what languages?: Spanish

    Do you have a Microphone? (yes/no): Yes, I do have a microphone

    Do you have the ability to record rule breakers? (yes/no): Yes. I can record rule breakers.

    Do you think you are Mature?: Yes, I think I am mature enough to participate in this staff team.

    Broad Details

    Why did you apply for Eco Mines?: The reason why I am applying for Eco Mines is because I would like to help out with the server by adding plugins that are requested by the owner and skript things into the game. I would like to grow and learn a lot about this server even more. I will like to get some work done right and efficiently.

    Any special position you are applying for (ex. Dev): I would like to apply for Developer

    Why should we accept you over others?: I will learn a lot from this server and I would like to grow professionally in this server. I am fluent in several different languages (Java, Python, C++. C#). I am learning skript, but It will be quickly. I just started yesterday and I have the basics such as commands and other fun things, I am getting into advanced stuff. 

    What are you're Positives? (strengths): I can learn code easily / I am good with talking to other, such as teaming with other developers in projects / I am there if you need me for situations and I will try my best at anything you give me. I like to chat with people. I used a lot of hacked clients, of course in singleplayer. I can figure out what they are using most of the time.

    What are you're Negatives (weaknesses): My weaknesses are that I can get distracted sometimes, most of the time I am focused with one project.

    How much experience do you have as a moderator? What are some experiences?: I would say I have decent experience as a moderator. I was owner on multiple servers (Kind of worked out for a little bit then when down.) and I used to be a Developer on multiple servers. I would like to eliminate as much people who break or hack on this server to be off. I would like to keep this server clean from rule breaks and clean from people who you don't like.

    Have you been ever been punished on Eco Mines?: No I have never been punished on this server.

    What do you want to achieve as a Staff member of Eco Mines?: I hope to achieve Better social skills and hope to achieve better professionalism

    Circumstantial Questions

    If a player is hacking, what would you do?

    1. First I would spectate the player while recording the situation (this could take me minutes or hours.)

    2. If not, then false alarm / If so then I would like to figure out what he was using, and ban them for the required days it was for that hack


    If our server is getting botted, what would you do?

     - I would start spectating players, if they seem like a bot then I would kick them.

    (To be honest, I don't know what to do in this situation.)


    If a player is spamming, what would you do?:

    1. If a player is spamming, I would like to do my three warning rule.

    - 1. Mute the player for 10 Minutes

    - 2. Mute the player for 1 hour and a kick.

    - 3. Ban them for spamming (Normally for 7 days unless have a certain day punishment.)


    If a player is saying offensive stuff, what would you do?:

    I would do my 3 warning rule as the same to this.

    - 1. Mute the player for 10 Minutes

    - 2. Mute the player for 1 hour and a kick.

    - 3. Ban them for offensive stuff (Normally for 7 days unless have a certain day punishment.)


    Have you ever argued with a player on Eco Mines? If so, what for?

    No I have not been in an argument.

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