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  1. Minecraft IGN: COVID_69 Discord Tag: the guy wh0 asked#8030 Why you want the rank:I want vip so I can fly in lobbies and advertise my server with a lower cooldown so I can get more members. NOTE: I RECENTLY CHANGED MY DISCORD TO the guy wh0 asked
  2. hi, I think you should add the cleanroomgenerator plugin to minehut. it allows you to generate superflat worlds with custom presets. here is the plugin link: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/cleanroomgenerator
  3. U have to link ur account first
  4. There is a plugin called discordsrv and one of the features is having a console on discord so u can give ppl access to the console on discord
  5. i will be reposting this every day until the default op level is able to be changed or atleast until it is considered. I have already posted the suggestion on github https://github.com/Minehut/Meta/issues/481
  6. i will be reposting this every day until the default op level is able to be changed or atleast until it is considered. I have already posted the suggestion on github https://github.com/Minehut/Meta/issues/481
  7. A new patch for slimefun was released, and I don’t think it updated for minehut yet.
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