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Everything posted by SovietPlayah

  1. Please rollback my server to 5/6/2020. My server has been griefed and nothing is left. The player who has done this is named svddendeath_. Please fix my server and rollback it to 5/6/2020.
  2. Hey dude, this skript DOES NOT work. Heres a fixed version: # Made by RedSkeppy/Trai on Spigot,USE ON 1.8 # Version 1.1 command /addperm [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]: aliases: /addpermission permission: admin.addperm permission message: "&cSorry, you can't add permissions. Perm Needed: admin.addperm" trigger: if arg-1 is "group": execute console command "pex group %arg-2% add %arg-3%" message "&cSuccessfully added permission %arg-3% to group %arg-2%" if arg-1 is "user" or "player": execute console command "pex user %arg-2% add %arg-3%" message "&cSuccessfully added permission %arg-3% to user %arg-2%" command /rank [<offline player>] [<text>]: aliases: /giverank permission: admin.rank permission message: "&cSorry, you can't rank people. Perm Needed: admin.rank" trigger: execute console command "pex user %arg-1% group add %arg-2%" message "&cSuccessfully granted user %arg-1% rank %arg-2%" message "&cIf it said <none> an error occured. This is the correct format: /rank <player> <rank>" command /removeperm [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]: aliases: /delperm permission: admin.removeperm permission message: "&cSorry, you can't remove permissions. Perm Needed: admin.removeperm" trigger: if arg-1 is "group": execute console command "pex group %arg-2% remove %arg-3%" message "&cSuccessfully removed permission %arg-3% from group %arg-2%" if arg-1 is "user" or "player": execute console command "pex user %arg-2% remove %arg-3%" message "&cSuccessfully removed permission %arg-3% from user %arg-2%" command /removerank [<offline player>] [<text>]: permission: admin.removerank permission message: "Sorry, you can't remove ranks from people. Perm Needed: admin.removerank" trigger: execute console command "pex user %arg-1% group remove %arg-2%" message "&cSuccessfully removed rank %arg-2% from player %arg-1% if it says <none> there's an error. Correct format: /removerank <player> <rank>" command /createrank [<text>]: trigger: # [SmartFix] Todo permission message: &cSorry, you can't create ranks. Perm Needed: admin.createrank trigger: execute console command "pex group %arg-1% create" message "&cSuccessfully created rank %arg-1%. Please don't make a lot of ranks, it will become hard to manage them. If it says <none>, there's an error. Correct format: /createrank <rank> - Note: This is not for adding ranks to PLAYERS." command /deleterank [<text>]: aliases: /delrank permission: admin.deleterank permission message: &cSorry, you can't delete ranks. Perm Needed: admin.deleterank trigger: execute console command "pex group %arg-1% remove" message "&cSuccessfully deleted rank %arg-1%. If you accidentaly deleted a rank, you can re-make it with /createrank. If it says <none>, there's an error. Correct format: /deleterank <text> - Note: This is not for removing ranks off PLAYERS!" command /rankprefix [<text>] [<text>]: aliases: /prefix permission: admin.rankprefix permission message: &cSorry, you can't add prefixes to ranks. Perm Needed: admin.rankprefix trigger: execute console command "pex group %arg-1% prefix %arg-2%" message "&cSuccessfully set prefix of rank %arg-1% to %arg-2%. If it says <none> anywhere there's an error. Correct format: /rankprefix <group> <prefix> - Note: This is not for adding prefixes to USERS, it is /userprefix" command /ranksuffix [<text>] [<text>]: aliases: /suffix permission: admin.ranksuffix permission message: &cSorry, you can't add prefixes to ranks. Perm Needed: admin.ranksuffix trigger: execute console command "pex group %arg-1% suffix %arg-2%" message "&cSuccessfully set suffix of rank %arg-1% to %arg-2%. If it says <none> anywhere there's an error. Correct format: /ranksuffix <group> <suffix> - Note: This is not for adding suffixes to USERS, it is /usersuffix" command /userprefix [<offline player>] [<text>]: permission: admin.userprefix permission message: &cSorry, you can't add prefixes to users. Perm Needed: admin.userprefix trigger: execute console command "pex user %arg-1% prefix %arg-2%" message "&cSuccessfully set prefix of user %arg-1% to %arg-2%. If it says <none> anywhere there's an error. Correct format: /userprefix <user> <prefix> - Note: This is not for adding prefixes to RANKS, it is /rankprefix" command /usersuffix [<offline player>] [<text>]: permission: admin.usersuffix permission message: &cSorry, you can't add suffixers to users. Perm Needed: admin.usersuffix trigger: execute console command "pex user %arg-1% suffix %arg-2%" message "&cSuccessfully set suffix of user %arg-1% to %arg-2%. If it says <none> anywhere there's an error. Correct format: /usersuffix <user> <prefix> - Note: This is not for adding suffixes to RANKS, it is /ranksuffix"
  3. Here you go: on death: attacker is a player victim is a player: wait 0.5 second make console execute command "/sudo %attacker% c:<gold>gg" make console execute command "/sudo %victim% c:<gold>gg" Hope you enjoy! You can change the message your self. <pink> = Example <red> = Example <green> <purple> <gold> <gray> <black> <dark_gray>
  4. Here is a simple troll that blows people up! options: permission: selfdestruct.use p: &4[&cSELF-DESTRUCT&4] permission message: {@p} &cYou do not have the permission selfdestruct.use. Access denied. command /selfdestruct <player>: trigger: send "{@p} &cSelf-destructing &4%arg-1%&c..." to player wait 1 second summon 20 tnt at arg-1's location I know its very simple, but its good for begginers!
  5. Here: options: permission: l.ol permission message: &cNo permission! pre: &8[&7RELOAD&8] command /refresh: trigger: make console execute "/essentials reload" make console execute "/skript reload scripts" make console execute "/tebex refresh" make console execute "/tab reload" make console execute "/pex reload" make console execute "/mvreload" make console execute "/island reload" make console execute "/worldguard reload" make console execute "/holo reload" make console execute "/npc reload" make console execute "/papi reload" make console execute "/screload" make console execute "/discord reload" make console execute "/rankgrant reload" send "{@pre}&3 Successfully reloaded the server! Type &l/rlcontents &r&3to view the contents reloaded!" to player command /rlcontents: trigger: send "{@pre}&3 We have reloaded: We have reloaded 12 plugins." to player You can add plugins to the reloading.
  6. Here's the skript: options: permission: deop.deop prefix: &c&lDEMOTER &8>> permission message: {@prefix} &cYou need the &4deop.deop &cpermission to use this command! usage: {@prefix} &c/deop PLAYERNAME command /deop <offlineplayer>: trigger: send "{@prefix} &cYou demoted %arg-1%&c!" to player send "{@prefix} &cYou were demoted by %player%" to arg-1 if arg-1 is set: make console execute command "/pex user %arg-1% group set default" make console execute command "/minecraft:deop %arg-1%" else: send "&c/Deop PLAYERNAME - Requires oppycustomops.deop permission." options: prefix: &a&lPROMOTER&8 >> permission: deop.deop permission message: {@prefix} &cYou need the &4op.op &cpermission to use this command! usage: {@prefix} &c/op PLAYERNAME command /op <offlineplayer>: permission: op.op trigger: send "{@prefix} &aYou opped %arg-1%&a!" to player send "{@prefix} &aYou were opped by %player%&a!" to arg-1 if arg-1 is set: make console execute command "/pex user %arg-1% group set owner" make console execute command "/minecraft:op %arg-1%" else: send ""
  7. AntiGamingChair is a really really good anticheat, please add it https://blackspigot.com/downloads/antigamingchair-agc.15240/
  8. pls fix autorank it has an empty config
  9. - RPGitems: Doesn't work, still is unknown. -
  10. Another skript from me! Required plugins: Skript CreateYourOwnMenus TuSKe ----- So, you must setup a menu with createyourownmenus. you can watch a tutorial video, or just figure out the plugin. on join: set slot 8 of player to 1 nether star named "&6&lMain Menu" on right click: if player's held item is a nether star named "&6&lMain Menu": make console execute "menu open %player% mm" on drop of nether star: cancel event send "&cYou cannot drop this item!" on inventory click: if item is nether star named "&6&lMain Menu": cancel event send "&cYou cannot move this item!" to player discord: discord.gg/vnyKuAe channel: Soviet Playah MC Name: _Playah_ server: SpottyMC.Minehut.gg
  11. Another skript Required plugins: Skript command /fakelogin <offlineplayer>: permission: fake.login trigger: #this is the main part where it says the leave/join message broadcast "&e%arg-1%&e joined the game" command /fakeleave <offlineplayer>: permission: fake.login trigger: #this is the main part where it says the leave/join message broadcast "&e%arg-1%&e left the game"
  12. Here's another skript. Required plugins: Skript PermissionsEx command /disguiserank <text>: permission: disguiserank aliases: disguise,drank permission message: "&cNo access!" trigger: if arg-1 is "Owner": make console execute command "pex user %player% prefix ""&8[&4Owner&8]&4 "" " send "&8You've disguised your rank to &4Owner" if arg-1 is "Admin": make console execute command "pex user %player% prefix ""&8[&cAdmin&8]&c "" " send "&8You've disguised your rank to &cAdmin" if arg-1 is "TMod": make console execute command "pex user %player% prefix ""&8[&6Trainee-Mod&8]&6 "" " send "&8You've disguised your rank to &6Trainee-Mod" if arg-1 is "Mod": make console execute command "pex user %player% prefix ""&8[&eMod&8]&e "" " send "&8You've disguised your rank to &eMod" if arg-1 is "Helper": make console execute command "pex user %player% prefix ""&8[&3Helper&8]&3 "" " send "&8You've disguised your rank to &3Helper" if arg-1 is "Developer": make console execute command "pex user %player% prefix ""&8[&bDeveloper&8]&b "" " send "&8You've disguised your rank to &bDeveloper" if arg-1 is "Youtuber": make console execute command "pex user %player% prefix ""&8[&cYou&fTube&8]&4 "" " send "&8You've disguised your rank to &fY&4T" if arg-1 is "Default": make console execute command "pex user %player% prefix ""&7 "" " send "&8You've disguised your rank to &7Default" if arg-1 is "Reset": make console execute command "pex user %player% prefix "" "" " send "&8You've reset your prefix!" command /undisguiserank: permission: disguiserank aliases: undisguise,undrank permission message: "&cNo access!" trigger: make console execute "pex user %player% prefix """" " send "&8You've reset your prefix!"
  13. Here is my 3rd post, this is quite a useful skript if you have exploit commands or commands you dont want others to have. Required Plugins: Skript command /EXAMPLE: permission: PERMISSION.EXAMPLE trigger: make console execute "/EXAMPLE"
  14. Here is my 2nd post and the skript, this is a very easy one. But if you're new, this is a good starting skript. Required plugins: Skript every 10 minutes: broadcast "&7[SERVERNAME]&9YOUR MESSAGE" ------------------------------------- My discord: discord.gg/vnyKuAe ------------------------------------- My server: SpottyMC.Minehut.gg ------------------------------------- My YT Channel: Soviet Playah
  15. I know yes but I just made it so you can access PermissionsEx perms as well, I can update it with both.
  16. Hello, I've been working on a custom OP and DEOP command with some friends. If you would like one, than you can use this... REQUIRED PLUGINS: - PermissionsEX ( - Vault - Skript - TuSKe ------------------------------------- Here is the skript, it is error-free. But if you have problems with it contact Playah#9673.. Discord server: discord.gg/PkHgRKa - I may release more skripts here soon! command /deop <offlineplayer>: permission: deop.deop trigger: send "&cYou demoted %arg-1%&c!" to player send "&cYou were demoted by %player%" to arg-1 if arg-1 is set: make console execute command "/deop %arg-1%" else: send "&c/Deop PLAYERNAME - Requires oppycustomops.deop permission." command /op <offlineplayer>: permission: op.op trigger: send "&aYou opped %arg-1%&a!" to player send "&aYou were opped by %player%&a!" to arg-1 if arg-1 is set: make console execute command "/op %arg-1%" else: send "&f/op <player>" Thank you for reading! Bonus skript: Welcome Message on join: send "&6&lWelcome back %player%!" on first join: send "&6WELCOME TO THE SERVER %PLAYER%!"
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