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Everything posted by grisza

  1. This topic has been raised in other threads e.g. The inability to download your world is a result of transfer.sh being broken as you can see in github issue threads from over a year ago https://github.com/dutchcoders/transfer.sh/issues/190 - you can also check it by yourself trying to use the sites API - you get the exact message which is propagated to minehut: "Could not save metadata" Considering how long this is going on one can assume it won't be solved by transfer.sh anytime soon and needs to resolved actively by Minehut - either switching to a different file hosting provider or in any other way.
  2. Hi @Koroonotchii can you explain how is this "completely out of Minehut's power"? @schrisis completely diagnosed the problem and gave you a solution -> change file hosting provider. A quick web search suggested as alternative https://www.file.io/ , probably there are other. The only thing that is required is to adapt the upload command to be compliant with file.io API As an alternative you could allow downloading files directly from the web ui - though I'm pretty sure this requires enabling additional components on the website and would require more work
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