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  1. Wrong topic, this is where you post your finished skripts for the community to use. If you are requesting someone to make a skript for you, go to the marketplace section.
  2. It is not working because the variables have different names, you need to keep your names consistent. Try this: every 0.1 seconds in world "world": set {_x} to x-position of {_entity} set {_z} to z-position of {_entity} make console execute command "worldborder center {_x} {_z}"
  3. MagicMan49


    Here is how whitelisting works in Minecraft. The command /whitelist does nothing on its own, you must type something after it. List of /whitelist syntax: /whitelist on/off: Turns the while list on or off /whitelist add/remove: Adds or removes players from the whitelist /whitelist list: Lists all players on the whitelist Once the whitelist is on, players who are not on the whitelist will not be able to join. Keep in mind that if a player was already connected, they will not be kicked, just unable to join back once they leave/get kicked.
  4. I think I know why it is not working. You forgot to put percent signs around the variables in the command. Here is what it should look like: make console execute command "worldborder center %{x}% %{z}%"
  5. It says It needs Languagy, But I have it instaled on the server. If there is more dependencies, please let me know.
  6. The plugin I am trying to use is MCrealistic. The .jar file is in the file manager, but for some dumb reason, the folder that is named after the plugin will not generate. I have restarted the server and done everything that will normally work.
  7. I have been trying to get Sethblings drop randomizer data pack on to my server. I put it in the datapacks folder of my world and could not get it to work. Can someone please help me figure out how to make it work. Site I got the datapack from
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