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Everything posted by QuickSkripts

  1. I see, maybe try contacting someone in game.
  2. If I may suggest a plugin, I use craftenhance. I can link them below. https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/craftenhance
  3. Im not too sure this will even work, for some reason skript can not force console to put in commands with attributes in them.
  4. Exactly, the new code would look like: on right click: if player's held item is a book named "&5&lHow to Get Rich": execute console command "eco give %player% 10000"
  5. Stop your server, and make a ticket on minehuts discord. They should know what to do.
  6. No, the minehut team was just configuring the servers.
  7. I would suggest changing all related passwords.
  8. I would suggest making a ticket on discord, as this seems to be a internal server issue.
  9. Your server should be fixed now with the new server host provider.
  10. Your server should be back up.
  11. Yeah that skirpt doesnt work, but I have linked one that does.
  12. I know this is super late to the party, but I can help.
  13. Heres a link to a bunch of free skripts: https://www.youtube.com/@quickskripts
  14. Null_ I know im a bit late to the party, but heres a lifesteal skript.
  15. I would honestly suggest just to get a plugin like kiteboard or TAB.
  16. Just reply to this with your skript ideas, and I will make them with a tutorial on how to install them as well.
  17. Heres the link to my YouTube channel, with a bunch of tutorials to help you guys make your servers better: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp-sfUCfuq1vIc0xDKB3Rwg
  18. I just made a /spawn skript, and below I have a video tutorial on how to install it.
  19. I made a tutorial on how to install the skript in the YouTube video below.
  20. I wanted to see if there are any unique servers on Minehut.
  21. Im fairly certain your server was just down during the minehut server down phase.
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