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  1. Charmines

    Server maintenance?

    Only like this today 2 days after maintenance it worked before and now when I join it gets stuck on loading terrain and then server either hybernates or brings me to a blank world or sky and does nothing and at one point I saw maintenance cant connect in discordsrv console plz help not sure if my server is actually in maintenance but someone apparently joined named phantomman16 so idk it says he was kicked by whitelist or something here is those logs [Sun, 2. Feb 2020 21:16:45 GMT INFO] Disconnecting protocolsupport.protocol.utils.authlib.GameProfile(onlineMode: false, originalname: PhantomMan16, originaluuid: 099db05f-4f51-46c4-b5ce-853ad22b9b64, name: PhantomMan16, uuid: 099db05f-4f51-46c4-b5ce-853ad22b9b64, properties: {textures=[protocolsupport.api.utils.ProfileProperty(name: textures, value: eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1ODA2NzgxOTE4NTIsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6IjA5OWRiMDVmNGY1MTQ2YzRiNWNlODUzYWQyMmI5YjY0IiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJQaGFudG9tTWFuMTYiLCJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTBkNGYyOGMyNTU1MGEyOTFkMTg4ODg1NzNkZTI0ZjcxYTI0ZjUwNDdkZTg5YTNkNjBhODNhMDE4ZTZiMGZlNiJ9fX0=, signature: 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)]}) (/ You are not allowed to join, the server is currently under maintence. [Sun, 2. Feb 2020 21:16:45 GMT ERROR] Could not pass event PlayerChatEvent to Disease v3.3.0 [Sun, 2. Feb 2020 21:16:45 GMT INFO] [hostedgames]<charmines> t [Sun, 2. Feb 2020 21:16:47 GMT INFO] issued-punishment player=SeaIsMe Plz help as I want to use my server
  2. Charmines

    Server download

    Hi I have made a minehut server and want to download/ backup all file to my computer is there any way I can do that as it has frustrated me a lot if anyone knows how I can do this plz reply
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