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About nmazey

  • Birthday January 21

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  1. nmazey

    Server plan

    Server specs If i changed the online status to like online 24/7 = Can i put like bungeecord on it or like unlimited player list? or no daily time limit or more ram and cpu?
  2. i have experience

    admin: Mineland.com 2020 2023

    builder-mod : gravitor.net 2019 2022

    Dev: Hypixel for 2 months

    Moderator: bee.cyt.gg - retired



  3. But can u put velocity or waterfall - like bungeecord
  4. But i mean do u get like no time limit if u do one of the custom selection? - like any!
  5. I didnt realy understand when you said 100 credits?
  6. Recently I was playing minehut again after 1 year and suddenly THERE was a 4 hour LIMIT for servers... I dont have credits + its hard to get credits.. + you removed the 40 credits server plan and that will help so badly for it... all my friends left me and said "why are u still playing this crappy server go play minefort" But i know im not going to give up,,,, PLEASE Make the 4 hour limit to like 7 hours or NO time limit or bring back the 40 credit server plan thingy... THANK YOU..
  7. My name is [ NMAZEY ] Now
  8. Hello Im saif_the_mais I will change my name soon I been playing minehut for so long 2017 to 2023 I love making movies and tv shows I love acting - in movies and tv shows im rly good at editing I love MINEHUT SO MUCH [ Mostly Silent ]
  9. Sorry Null_ thingy changed his msg And he said something so hard to skript
  10. null_12 thats hard to skript it will prob take 1 year with 10933 lines and null_12 skript cant do anything like u imagine
  11. nmazey

    Server disappeared

    It's because maybe ur roommate or any of the people in the house using phones or anything then it may prob not work and it will be a bit slow or try. fix the cables like I do or buy new wifi for a day and ask a grown up to call the internet fixers
  12. nmazey

    Server offline

    try remove the plugins or can u send the console arguments just everything so I can see whats the problem
  13. Maybe delete all plugins and then see it if does not work can u send me the console arguments did u change the version?
  14. well minehut used to have the old shop market that u can reset boxes buy buying credits or voting to get credits and use the credits to get it using mine reset lite will be a trouble u will just need to do some steps FIRST skripting it well u have to skript so if u wanna reset from a command use the command that you can skript or hire people on the deals channel on minehut discord and use a command /mapreset and it will reset all mines so the mines wont go and it will remove all builds but If u add a build from the server from the builders or staff and do world guard and protect it to use it for the people well its hard work
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