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Everything posted by Skillax7

  1. When I run the first command it sends the messages twice and selects the tagger twice, but only teleports everybody once. It is supposed to teleport everybody in the {intag::*} variable and choose 1 tagger. Full Skript: command /starttag: trigger: if player is op: if {inplayers} < 2: send "<dark yellow>Not Enough Players To Start Tag!" to player stop loop all players: if {intag::*} contains loop-player: give compass named "<light red>It Tracker" to loop-player add loop-player to {_random::*} if {outtag::*} contains loop-player: remove loop-player from {_random::*} set {player} to random element out of {_random::*} broadcast "<yellow>Tag Has Begun!" broadcast "<dark green>You Have 1 Minute To Run And Hide Before The Tagger Is Announced!" teleport loop-player to {location} equip loop-player with leather helmet with nbt "{display:{color:16701501}}" and leather chestplate with nbt "{display:{color:16701501}}" and leather leggings with nbt "{display:{color:16701501}}" and leather boots with nbt "{display:{color:16701501}}" wait 10 second broadcast "<light red>%{player}% Is The Tagger!" equip {player} with leather helmet with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather chestplate with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather leggings with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather boots with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" on rightclick with a stick: set {playersworld} to player's world loop all players: if loop-player is wearing leather helmet with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather chestplate with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather leggings with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather boots with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}": if player and loop-player are in world "%{playersworld}%": if loop-player is wearing leather helmet with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather chestplate with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather leggings with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather boots with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}": set {track.location} to location of loop-player set player's compass target to {track.location} send "<light green>Compass is now pointing to <red>The Tagger<white>-<orange>%loop-player%" stop if loop-player is in world "world": if loop-player is wearing leather helmet with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather chestplate with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather leggings with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather boots with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}": send "<light red>%loop-player%<light red> is in the Overworld" if loop-player is in world "world_nether": if loop-player is wearing leather helmet with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather chestplate with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather leggings with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather boots with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}": send "<light red>%loop-player%<light red> is not in the Overworld" if loop-player is in world "world_the_end": if loop-player is wearing leather helmet with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather chestplate with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather leggings with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather boots with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}": send "<light red>%loop-player%<light red> is in the End" on damage: if victim is a player: if attacker is player: if attacker is wearing leather helmet with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather chestplate with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather leggings with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather boots with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}": if victim is wearing leather helmet with nbt "{display:{color:16701501}}" and leather chestplate with nbt "{display:{color:16701501}}" and leather leggings with nbt "{display:{color:16701501}}" and leather boots with nbt "{display:{color:16701501}}": broadcast "<light green>%victim% Is Now It!" set {it.%attacker%} to false set {it.%victim%} to true equip victim with leather helmet with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather chestplate with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather leggings with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" and leather boots with nbt "{display:{color:11546150}}" equip attacker with leather helmet with nbt "{display:{color:16701501}}" and leather chestplate with nbt "{display:{color:16701501}}" and leather leggings with nbt "{display:{color:16701501}}" and leather boots with nbt "{display:{color:16701501}}" command /settag: trigger: if player is op: send "<light green>Tag Spawn Has Been Set To Your Location!" set {location} to player's location command /tagchoose <text>: trigger: if arg-1 is "in": if {intag::*} contains player: send "<light green>You Are Already In Tag!" to player stop if {outtag::*} contains player: remove player from {outtag::*} remove 1 from {outplayers} add player to {intag::*} add 1 to {inplayers} send "<light green>You Are Now In Tag!" if arg-1 is "out": if {outtag::*} contains player: send "<light green>You Are Already Out Of Tag!" to player stop if {intag::*} contains player: remove player from {intag::*} remove 1 from {inplayers} add player to {outtag::*} add 1 to {outplayers} send "<light green>You Are Now Out Of Tag!" on tab complete of "/tagchoose": set (tab completions for position 1) to ("in","out") on disconnect: if {intag} contains player: remove player from {intag::*} remove 1 from {inplayers} if {outtag} contains player: remove 1 from {outplayers} remove player from {outtag::*} command /tagreset: trigger: if player is op: delete {intag::*} delete {inplayers} delete {outtag::*} delete {outplayers}
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